Reviews for RAW is HBO!
LordryuTJ chapter 37 . 1/19
"Top 10 Unexpected Returns in 2020"
Guest chapter 37 . 1/17
wait a minute are Jeff n Matt coming back? if the are who is the woman Jeff married n had kids with please let it be Trish she's the only female I ship Jeff with please. but who does Matt have?
megsjedi chapter 37 . 1/17
Wow, been a while. Welcome back.
megsjedi chapter 36 . 3/16/2017
WOW! It's great to see something new in this story! I thought it might be dead. Nice chapter. Dean-o strikes me as the leather type too. lol
braytheist chapter 36 . 3/15/2017
Oh really have to watch out for Tommy and Sara. They will fuck your ass up. Literally, figuratively and everything in between. Hopefully he has learned his lesson now.

I loveee this, and well worth the wait. Thank you :) I love the thought of Sara and Tom as a team, they work well together.
love conquers all 44 chapter 1 . 3/25/2016
What in the world?
PinkieScootalooSweetieDash chapter 35 . 9/7/2013
you should get rid of the tag team championship and replace it with the light heavyweight championship and the hardcore championship. you should being the wwe championship to raw and send the world heavyweight championship to smackdown.
you should make a sequel to this story where smackdown has a new owner.
megsjedi chapter 35 . 7/18/2013
I made two requests? I forgot that. lol

Great chapter. The thought of the Shield being taken like that is a good thought.
gamesgrl5887 chapter 34 . 6/4/2013
I liked this chapter although I do feel bad for John. Even if he was a jerk the way Matt hurt him is just brutal. Plus Matt seemed like he felt bad afterwards. I wonder if he will at least go see John and make sure he is okay. I also wonder how what happened will change John. Please do another chapter with these two! I would love to see Matt going to apologize to John and John is almost a little scared of him. Matt reassures him and ends up having sweet, gnetle sex with John. (sorry my imagination runs away with me LOL)
megsjedi chapter 33 . 5/18/2013
Ooooooooooooooooo! Applause! PERFECT! Hugs for Matt and his bruised heart.
Enter your zip code here chapter 29 . 4/23/2013
Enter your zip code here
megsjedi chapter 32 . 4/1/2013
Matt/Cena! EEEE! Thanks a billion times! _
TheGirlInThePinkScarf chapter 32 . 4/1/2013
Ohh! Matt/Cena, I'm in!
Beloved Creature chapter 30 . 1/17/2013
Oh mah gerd that was AWSOME i loved it and i would definatly like to see that match between jeff and shannon. I must say this was really godd but i was a bit upset with the wait. Now i understand that you may have had a case of writers block or had some real world problems but i would have appraciated a authors note explaing the wait and if we could expect you to be regularly updating. Its not a demand its a request and i understand if you would not like to do that. Other than that i like the chapte. Please dont keep us waiting for months like that again.
TheGirlInThePinkScarf chapter 30 . 1/15/2013
I'd never pictured the pairing of Sheamus and Tyson before and I find it a very interesting one!

I can't wait for more as always! :)
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