Reviews for Green Piece
bookworm45 chapter 1 . 11/22/2010
Aww. So good! Poor Jessie worryin' about him like that.
writergirl99 chapter 1 . 11/9/2010
Haha! Reviews overload! I am so sorry, but I really only got into this series this morning, and have been reading them all afternoon... no joke...

This was a more serious one, and I loved it, becuase it had so much more sentimental value, their talk, it actually meant something deep down.

I agree with Jess, about his scar. It's a battle wound, he should be proud of it. It means that he lived, he was strong enough to survive. I can understand some females running from it, but they aren't the type to want to get to know him, only use him for his body. Okay, I"m stereotyping, but what the hell.

Another amazing one! I know I keep saying it, but it's totally true. You are an amazing writer! Keep up the amazing work!
Elfsong chapter 1 . 9/10/2010
Poor Don! Good for Jess, getting him out of his funk. Thanks for sharing!
DreamerChild88 chapter 1 . 6/3/2010
Great job!
Iguy chapter 1 . 5/18/2010
Beautiful. I like how you capture Flack’s uneasiness and worry. In the episode we see him glancing nervously at the site, obviously thinking at “his” explosion and it’s great you decided to write something about it.

Of course, I love Jess being there for him, waiting for him to open up without pressuring him. And I love she loves his scar. Meaningful words said by her.

I’d have liked to see this happen on the show. Luckily we have you.
rockyshadow chapter 1 . 3/11/2010
I wish there had been a conversation about Don's reaction to that explosion. I'm glad you wrote how upset about it that I imagined that he would be too. I'm glad he has Jess to talk about it. I love the way that she told him that his scars from the bombing were the furthest thing from her mind when she saw him shirtless. I love how you write their relationship.
brinchen86 chapter 1 . 3/6/2010
Hey! afrozenheart412 suggested your stories and I just started to read. Aww, how lovely was this oneshot? I love how open Don talked to her about his feelings because of the bomb and how Jess was there for him. That was so them and I love the way you write them. I also love how you added their thoughts about Danny and Lindsay. I'm looking forward to reading your other stories!
IsBreaLiomCSI-NY chapter 1 . 3/6/2010
Great work! "Mainly the best way to keep from jumping you." I laughed out loud at that! :D I think I would have the same problem ;)
Hannah554 chapter 1 . 3/5/2010
It was nice seeing Don's vulnerability in this and Jess talking him around. Great fic!
monkeytoes94 chapter 1 . 3/5/2010
Great Story, same goes for the cross over :)
afrozenheart412 chapter 1 . 3/5/2010
I like how you did a little on DL, you know that. But the love you are getting from me is how freaking WONDERFUL IT IS TO SEE THEM TALK ABOUT HIS SCARS. And the reason it matters to her...that it is a reminder that he is alive and with her. Those two are so full of love for each other. That part with Elgers still ticks me off, I wish he had been guilty too. But Don's come back was worth it. :)

Favorite lines

"Her concerns stemmed from the events of the last few days; she hadn't been involved in the investigation, but everyone had heard about it, right down to Don's interview with the neo-Nazi. Jess, as did most people, found herself wishing that he had been responsible, just so they could put him away."

"Don nodded, and their next movements were conducted in silence, with the well-practiced fluidity of a long-term couple; without prompting, he pulled his shirt off and tossed it to her as she changed, catching it without needing to look."

"Oh?" Don turned his head to look at her. "What was the first thing on your mind?"

Jess smirked. "Mainly the best way to keep from jumping you."

Much to her relief, Don chuckled and his grip on her hand loosened. "I wouldn't have complained, Detective."

"I'm sure you wouldn't." Jess said primly. "But I have a reputation to uphold."

Don's smile widened. "Of course you do."

Noticing a glimmer of resentment still present behind his eyes, Jess leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to his scar, hearing his intake of breath. "I know you hate it." She murmured against the marred skin. "But I love it. It means you're still here." The last part was whispered under her breath, but he heard her anyway.

"Jess …"

Jess moved back up his body, her head returning to its customary place on his chest. His hand cupped her cheek and tilted her face up, so he could kiss her softly.

When he pulled away, he didn't release her, keeping her gaze locked with his.

"Jess," he repeated quietly, "I'm not going anywhere.""
CSI4lyfNCIS13 chapter 1 . 3/4/2010


RyderBPD chapter 1 . 3/4/2010
You always do such a wonderful job of pinpointing potential triggers for our characters and then matching those triggers up with events from their past.

I always love reading you work-it's truly the history Jess and Flack deserved that was never able to be witnessed.

Great job as usual, hon! :)
GreekEMTSlytherinSpriteFairy chapter 1 . 3/4/2010
Aw! That was sweet!
eskiimo drumbeats chapter 1 . 3/4/2010
this was so beautiful, i honestly almost cried at the last words, especially because of what happened to jess in the show...i miss her D:

this was such a sweet one shot, i think i'll read your others too now:)
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