Reviews for The One Named SAILOR CANADA Eh
Noke Neko Lover chapter 1 . 11/20/2011
Oh my goodiness~! You have really managed to have had written a good fanfiction that holds humour, romance, AND heart-warming morals (in some subjects that can be mentioned without critisism) within this story. It looks as if you've originally posted this in 2010 and I've just recently discovered this, so I apologize if you were hoping for this review to have had been much more sooner instead of later...

I really do enjoy your writing stlye and how you have managed to get all of the characters to interact one another as themselves WHILE still trying to give them their respective roles (which suit them just PERFECTLY, might I add :D).

I would think that for ME, the most interesting thing that stood out to me was: are you planning on following by how the anime protrays it or by the manga? Because if you are going through one or the other, are you going to add certain scenes or omit others that don't really seem to go with what you want to be writing about?

I'm deeply sorry if you assume that I am coming off as a strong-minded person who won't even let you breathe within your personal space...D:

Well, hopefully, you will take most of my words to heart (or at least into concideration), if not...well you are free to decide if you want to listen to a reviewer's opinion about one of your stories in the making...

Noke Neko Lover chapter 2 . 11/20/2011

Like, gag me with a spoon~!


I've really had fun reading this!

Can you please update soon? Your readers and I (mostly me though XD) would enjoy it oh so very much...
Member of TOO MANY Fandoms chapter 1 . 11/12/2011
Good story. Wouldn't of thought of it. Could you update please that would be qoute Gilbert
Member of TOO MANY Fandoms chapter 2 . 11/12/2011
Good story. Wouldn't have thought of this. Could you update please that would be epic.
Sadik3000 chapter 2 . 7/17/2011


*dead brain*

it's just ... don't have the words. My brain is dead.
Sadik3000 chapter 1 . 7/17/2011
*deep breath*


(my usual reaction to good but still ... strange fanfictions)
IllusionaryMagician chapter 2 . 6/25/2011
Wow! This is really great! I can't say much more to that! I really like the idea! Ehehe! Matthew in a skirt _ I have been laughing at many things in this! For a few seconds in the first chapter I assumed Russia was the queen, then pictured a fem!Russia in a dress... O_o Belarus makes a better queen!

I know that this story was posted a year ago but is their any chance you will continue? I'd like to read more! Will their be other Nation Scouts? I suppose Alfered is one? Just guessing from past (unless I just assumed they were) hints. I still wonder who the others will be!

I very much want to read more! Hmm, If your stuck on writing, you could work out how the next scout is discovered/joins? Of course you probably have it figured out seeing as you had a "Next Episode Preview" Sigh, I dunno, I just wanna see more! I'm probably not helping much... -_-"

Right, well, I hope you keep writing, even if you wont finish this story, I think I'll read your other stories! Your writing is well done, detailed and descriptive and has humor! Good work and Awesome job! o
Clorixi chapter 2 . 5/30/2011

and i thought tuxedo mask was cool...
Pikachu Angel the 1st chapter 2 . 5/13/2011
...Continue this please? :D
Orsenna chapter 2 . 2/27/2011
Dear... you need to update this.

- Azer.
metal.lamp-silvertongue chapter 2 . 12/13/2010
...I think I died. In a good way though! (I dunno what's a good death but meh). Seriously. I'm supposed to be doing my homework and I can't stop myself from sniggering or snorting, so hopefully when I read the next update, I won't be doing work. Keep up the good humor!
PlusSurLeSite chapter 2 . 11/21/2010
Well written, with good characters and a (big) touch of insanity.

Thank you !
Dawnstep chapter 2 . 11/9/2010
...oh. My. GOD.


I mean... oh my GOD.

I'll admit it: I'm not the biggest Sailor Moon fan in the universe. Sure, it's a classic, and it's pretty funny, and it's definately got sentimental value (and the theme song is totally epic, in its own geeky way), but... yeah. And that "yeah" would normally negatively affect my opinion of any crossover-ish thing such as this.

But this? This, my friend, is a little something I like to call 'pure win'.

Firstly, this story is completely, totally, 110% HILARIOUS. Seriously. I was reading this at night in bed on my DSi, and was laughing so hard I had to keep biting my pillow to keep from alerting my just-down-the-hall family of the fact that I'm just a liiiiiittle less asleep than I should be at 1:30 in the morning.

Secondly, you've executed this perfectly. It's got all the kooky, cheerful charm of the original Sailor Moon, plus the happy, funny warmth of Hetalia, with a side of sweetness (I'll admit it: I totally squeed over the little GerIta moment. Scared the living daylights out of my poor cat, he doesn't like loud and sudden noises.) and the aforementioned humour.

Thirdly... you hit the nail on the head when divying up roles. Each character is a perfect fit (ASDFJKL: KUMAJIROU AS LUNA? I SHALL LOVE YOU FOREVER ;_;) and I can't wait too see who the other scouts are. (Though I do have my suspiscions... that I shall keep to myself. -cackles-)

Also, the characterizations and little developmental tidbits are awesome. I can totally see France as an absentminded painter... and lolTony. xD

Well, anyway. As mentioned, it is late, I am tired, I have school in the morning, and typing with a touch-screen keypad gets annoying. BUT. I love this story, have watched and faved, and eagerly await seeing where you take it from here!


Sora Moto chapter 2 . 10/24/2010
This had me rolling on the floor laughing my butt off. Please, I am begging here, update this soon.
Spazzmufin chapter 2 . 8/20/2010
Okay so I have NEVER given a review buuuuut! Today I am making an exception. So were do I start... how about what I loved.

Okay, so in my opinion you captured the characters perfectly. Another thing I liked was that you were able to balance all the characters, not a lot of people are actually able to do that so congrats! I liked a lot more too but the thing that stood out the most to me was the magic hockey puck. It made me many different kinds of happy inside. There was one thing though that made me go huh? It was the whole scene change thing. One suggestion would be to every time there is a scene change like, when you go to the soviet force is to add some sort of break or _ or announcement like: "meanwhile with soviet force." but other then that I loved it and am looking forward to the rest. :)
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