Reviews for I'm not pregnant with Chuck Bass
Adya chapter 12 . 11/1/2019
Lovely work. Although Blair seems way too bitchy for no reason whatsoever!
Klarobass chapter 23 . 8/5/2017
Catching Gossip Girl might be easier said than done, even for Chuck and Blair. I'm sure in the end, if anyone can figure out who gossip girl is, it's them. They are so good at reading people afterall. Not to mention, they already have suspicions it could be Dan. Are you strong with Canon on that arc? In this fic, his motivations make more sense than they did on the show imo. Who'd think Nate would be the more pessimistic out of the foursome Him and Serena are usually the ones with the optimistic approach and the one to play peacekeeper. But catching gossip girl'd identity is a difficult task to scheme your computer way through l

Chuck was so sweet with Blair this chapter. I love how he generally is so caring towards Blair and making a real effort to make things work with Blair. Not just for his family, but because he genuinely loves Blair. Not because they share a daughter, but because they share feelings towards each other. As sweet as Chuck was, I think they need to discuss the elephant in the room. Until they discuss and figure things out, Blair's trust in Chuck isn't going to invigorate.I could she Blair pulling away. In part, I don't think she fully trust him yet to not break her heart, given his past debaucherous lifestyle. And I fear if they don't talk about things before they head off to college, they'll withdraw from each other further I'm sending the shoes about to drop. I can feel some heartbreak about to happen. Maybe I'm wrong, I just feel like it could happen before Blair's heads to Yale. But ofc some errands and angst always makes things interesting. I trust you to give CB a happy ending in the end too.

sorry about the brief melted read and review. truthfully I meant to get to it two days ago, but it didn't happen today, but now that I'm fully caught up it should be instantly by the beefy Time you update. I look forward to your next chapter when you post.
Guest chapter 23 . 8/2/2017
Mi piace troppo questa storia! Spero di leggere il nuovo capitolo presto :)
Klarobass chapter 22 . 6/11/2017
Could Dan be gossip girl in this fic and of he is he's being a bit too obvious about it. I mean sending a blast about Chuck and Blair's daughter, right after he abducts her and find it she's the daughter of Chuck and Blair is a bit too coincidental. I wonder what plan they will concoct to bring him down. Dan deserves comeuppance for his actions with Audrey.

I loved Chuck and Blair's decision in this chapter. This time Chuck isn't running away from what he feels, bit is he denying it. this time he's being open and transparent about it. He's finally embracing it and giving them a real chance this time. I like how he's trying to make things work when she's away at Yale next semester. It's going to be tricky when she's away at Yale for he to come to New York to see Audrey everyday, so I think it was a good idea for Chuck to suggest to come to New Haven everyday with Audrey. That way she can still connect with her daughter and she won't have to end up like Eleanor was to her growing up. Long Distance relationship will be a real challenge for them, but I'm sure they'll be able to make it work and make it in the end.

Now that I'm completely caught up on this story, I'll patiently be waiting for your next update and when you do update, I'll be able to get to it pretty much instantly. looking forward to it when you get a chance to work on it and post.
Klarobass chapter 21 . 6/10/2017
Dan is such an ass. No matter how he feels about Chuck and Blair, Audrey is just a baby. she's innocent, who had no idea what was going on. it was the most cruel thing he could do. If you ask me Dan got off West with just a slap on the wrist. I think he should face retribution, or steady some kind of comeuppance. In Chuck and Blair's position, I probably would have pressed charges against Dan. But I understand why Blair didn't want to, to protect her and from her identity being revealed to the public. the The timing of the blast seems suspicious though. it can't be a coincidence the blast was sent the moment Dan was busted for kidnapping Audrey. I wonder what will happen next now they the world knows Audrey is the daughter of Chuck and Blair. I loved seeing Chuck comfort her when she was worked at Audrey. I found Blair and Chuck's reaction to Blair being called Mrs. Bass to be interesting, artist a bit of foreshadowing in the future.

I should have the most recent chapter read between letter tonight and earthy tomorrow morning. looking forward to more.
Klarobass chapter 20 . 6/9/2017
I can't say I really can blame Chuck in this particular moment for not being able to admit his feelings. Chuck makes a mistake, and then she's the first to blame it on him. Going firsts, after they find her, will he have to have supervision to look after Audrey, or will she learn to trust him not going forward. It's her lack of trust in him that makes him hesitant to admit it realize his feelings for her. I wonder if the search for Audrey will bring them closer togethetr, or pull them further apart. I find it interesting to see Chuck as a father from Nate's perspective. I'm sure Chuck still hasn't gotten used to the idea he's a father, but he's still adjusted to it remarkably well. Anyone else would have thought he'd bolt, but he didn't. Not only did he stay and take responsibility, but he acknowledged Audrey as his daughter. Looking forward to reading the next chapter.
Klarobass chapter 19 . 6/7/2017
Sad to see Chuck and Blair drift further apart, on the otherhand Chuck's reasoning makes sense. If they ever get together it needs to be because they realize their feelings, not because they share a daughter. I think them spending a bit of time apart can be good for them in the long run. I'm thinking in this time Chuck can figure out his feelings for Blair and be able to man up and tell her. He. Just needs to come to the ralization first.

Loved Chuck stepping in for Nate for the snow white play and seeing him kiss Blair for the role Nate was playing. Though I do have to wonder if Nate purposely didn't show up so Chuck would step into they role and kiss Blair. Was it orchestrated by him hoping it would help Chuck realize his feelings for Blair? Kind of like Olivia did with Dan and Vanessa in the Canon version of the show. I'm loving the direction this story is going. Chuck and Blair are so close, yet aren't quite there yet to realize their feelings. Though I do think Blair's come to terms with it, yet I don't think she's quite at the point she trusts Chuck yet. Should get to another chapter tomorrow. I'm hoping to catch up on this fic by Thursday or Friday.
Klarobass chapter 18 . 6/6/2017
This was great. I have a feeling Chuck's not going to say it just yet. His actions speak volumes about how he feels, and yet I don't think he's ready to admit them. Maybe he's afraid what admitting it could mean for them and their daughter. Hopefully soon he'll man up and tell her his feelings, because the money they stave off the conversation the further they drift away from each other. Love the fact he took the first step and recognized Audrey as his daughter. He's not running away from the responsibility but facing it full throttle. His conversation with his daughter was adorable. I should get to another visit letter today and catch up this week.
Klarobass chapter 17 . 6/5/2017
Jack is so creepy, luckily Chuck was able to get there in time to stop Jack. I knew he was planning something devious but trying to force himself on Blair was a evil, but luckily Chuck was able to stop him. I'm guessing it was his way to get to Chuck. Jack is so evil. Hopefully we won't be seeing him more in the near future. I felt kind of bad for Chuck being rejected by Blair. He always seems to be rejected. I'm hoping they'll continue to grow closer as the story progresses. But first thru bed to face their feelings and admit them to each other. I'm glad Chuck told her of his intentions to recgonize Audrey as his daughter and their was no objection from Blair. It's a great first step. Now they just need to face his they feel. I'm getting there, getting close to catching up. I should get to another chapter or two later today. But atleast one more chapter later today.
Klarobass chapter 16 . 6/4/2017
I'm glad to see Chuck taking steps to ligimitilizing his daughter officially. That's definitely a first good step into helping things with Blair, but I don't think it's enough. I think he needs to be more open and transparent about his feelings with her. So I can't say I really blame her for playing hard to get at this moment, but I'm the end I'm sure everything will work itself out. He really needs to show her he cares, and legitimizing his daughter is a good first step in the right direction. It was good to see Bart work with him on that matter, considering how they left things the last time and with him keeping his daughter from him, saying she'd be ashamed to have Chuck as her father. He's really showing growth in that area. If only Chuck would be more transparent about his feelings. I don't think it's so much of what he says, but what he didn't say that bothers her. Hopefully Chuck will prove himself. Hopefully he won't just give up and has a plan.
Klarobass chapter 15 . 6/3/2017
Chuck can be so transparent on his feelings when he's drunk. Sober he has difficulty expressing his feelings, but drunk he sings like a bird about his feelings. It's too bad he probably won't remember it in the morning, creating a bigger rift between Chuck and Blair I'm sure. It's unfortunate that this incident Bart is slowly causing them to drift apart. On new year's, they were blissful and happy. All it takes is one incident to change everything and to create a ripple effect, causing them to slowly drift apart. Hopefully Chuck will be able to make it up to her in future Chapters. I have a feeling he's going to start pushing her away. I hope he won't abandon his responsibilities as Audrey's father however. I'm thinking he's not going to remember telling Blair he loves her and that she told him the same. Loving the drama and I look forward to reading more.
Klarobass chapter 14 . 6/1/2017
I hope that all the progress Chuck and Blair made this chapter won't be undone by the news of Bart. Hopefully he'll deal with it better than he did in the show, especially now that he has Blair and Audrey. Be had a daughter to think about, so hopefully he'll take that into account before pushing them away. They were so close to admitting how they felt before the moment was ruined. I know Chuck and Bart have their differences, but I hope he'll put that aside temporarily while his father recovers from the accident. Chuck bring concerned about Blair's health issues was really sweet. He can be really caring if he wants to be. And the fact is, it concerns him for Blair as well as their daughter. Looking forward to seeing where in store next.
Klarobass chapter 13 . 5/30/2017
I love that Chuck and Blair are growing closer. It was adorable seeing Audrey cling to Chuck the eat she did and almost call him dada. I get where Blair comes from thigh, too. She was the one who had been raising Audrey for the last four months, and she barely pronounced mama, but sees Chuck once and not only does she cling to him, but pronounces, almost who he is to her. If I were Blair I'd be feeling a little method as well. I can't really blame Harold for wanting to know more about Chuck's intentions for Audrey or Blair's worry that Chuck taking responsibility is a temporary situation as well. I can see her worry of Chuck abandoning her and their daughter, leaving her all alone. After all, before Blair he would have done that in a heartbeat, given his lifestyle. I love that he's taking responsibility and growing closer to Blair in the process. He isn't running away or neglecting his responsibilities as Audrey's father. Looking forward to what this story will bring next.
Klarobass chapter 12 . 5/29/2017
So Chick finally knows. The question is what does he do now. He has two options. He could either run away and abandon Blair and his child, proving Bart right, or he could prove Blair and his father wrong and show that he can make it. He can step up and take responsibility for his child and be a father b to Audrey, regardless of what happens between Blair and himself. I get Blair eyes to protect Audrey, buy know Chuck has a chance to show he can be depended on, to be a father to Audrey. I can't really blame Chuck for his anger towards Bart. He deliberately kept Audrey a secret from him, choosing to believe the wifi in him rather than giving him an actual shot. Not the cards are in Chuck's hands. The rest is up to him.

I feel as thst Chuck, of not for Blair and Harold, would have had to spend Christmas alone. Having lost Nature and with the exception of Serena, Blair is all he has left in terms of friends. I love that her and Harold be invited him for Christmas Eve. It should be interesting to see what could happen next, not that everything's out in the open. Looking forward to reading your next chapter.
Klarobass chapter 11 . 5/27/2017
Finally Chuck knows. The question is what does he do Scott it now one he confronts Blair, and probably Bart about it? Will he step up and take responsibility for his child and prove then wrong about him, or will he turn his back on them, proving then right about him? I do expect him to be angry about it, but I hope he won't let his anger hinder him from a chance getting to know his daughter. I'd like to see Chuck prove Blair and Bart Wrong and show that he can help take care of Audrey. I love were this story is headed. I liked seeing Chuck comfort Blair at the hospital. Seeing Blair worried for her daughter shows how much she loves her despite the circumstances. I liked seeing Chuck be there for Visit in her time of need. It makes sense Chuck would want to find out for sure if he was her father or not. The. Teddy is now in his hands.
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