Reviews for Only You
berry5tz chapter 1 . 11/26/2015
The most important line in this story was..."The village he loved destroyed Sasuke". Your very right about that. The village did destroy Sasuke. He was a shy but loving child. Before the massacre had happened this was Sasuke's personality.

I also realized how similar Itachi and Naruto are. Itachi loved his village. He was loyal. But when he had to choose. He chose to spare Sasuke's life. It showed he loved his little brother more then the village. Naruto loved his village was painstakingly loyal. But in the end he chose Sasuke over the village. And they both, Itachi and Naruto wound up being labeled criminals.

I really enjoyed this one shot. Because it made me think and not just feel. I had never seen the similarities before. Though their loves for Sasuke were different. The end results were the same. Thank you for writing this one.
Nightqueen85 chapter 1 . 3/24/2010
I LOVED IT! Oh, how I wish this was the ending for the series! (Please Kishi! grant us this wish! XD). I think them running away from everyone is, may I say, so romantic3. To start a new life is what they need or at least what Sasuke needs. I can't picture him in Konoha anymore, it would be so painful for him to return there. And of course we know Naruto would do anything for his mancrush so yeah, when you think about it doesn't sound like an incoherent idea at all. Overall, very good job, I'll keep an eye on your works ;)
Pheonix09 chapter 1 . 3/8/2010
nice job continue with this pairing

I love to write Naruto and Sasuke like this too
Unah001 chapter 1 . 3/1/2010
I'd like to read a sequel you know? How they will live, if they will be able to handle the whole thing!

I really enjoyed your fic, then, what do you continue?
imperfect-lover chapter 1 . 2/28/2010
yay! I'm so glad someone wrote a fic for this scene. I'd say your sasuke was pretty in character considering that he's totally insane right now and I'd say he could snap at any moment. And I LOVED how you described their relationship "The kind of connection Naruto and Sasuke had was borderline obssessive and entirely too dependant, but that's what they both needed: someone entirely theirs."...Perfect 3