Reviews for The Crystal Age (Rewritten)
Darkitty04 chapter 22 . 4/29
Oh poor Mako, having to face her worst fear on such short notice.
And the unlocking of the other Shitennou superpowers! Oh, that reveal of Kunzite's possible lineage! Aaaaah I need more of this!
That last scene was hillarious! The person that said "it's like a drama!" is the most relatable character there, I loled :D.
And the ending felt like a scene straight out of the anime it was so on point... with Mina having a heated fight, Usa compulsively munching on snacks, Ami pinching the bridge of her nose and Rei pretending to sleep just to ignore them all.
And Mako being led away to 1st class as if she were going to the gallows. :))))
Darkitty04 chapter 21 . 4/29
Another wonderful chapter!
Loved all the geek references, and yes I do believe Kunzite lookes like Sephiroth. :D
The conversations here were so insightful, we get a reminder of everyone's powers and some understanding into how they might work or what their origin might be.
Jadeite, Zoisite and Kunzite were such a delight to read, with Z being such an inquisitive little nerd and OMG Kunzite planned it all along to be caught! and J's powers are so OP :))) can't think of what God he might be associated with...?
Bless Ami for being so organized and keeping tabs on everyones powers... hehe, that Cerberus reference made me lol.
Also, Masato with his money superpower is basically Batman! :D (fits, dark and brooding as he is)
Darkitty04 chapter 20 . 4/29
OMG there are 3 chapters updated since last i read this story! Oh happy day! :D
I simply loved this chapter, these two together just make my day, and you wrote them so beautifully!
I like how you continue the opoosites theme with them... first it was the whole Hades / Persephone, life vs death theme, that fit them so perfectly! And now it's most honest Senshi (it's even in the meaning of her name) paired with the most proficient at lying Shitennou. :)))
I really admire the fact that he gets called out for being a liar and the mistakes he made in the past are not just glossed over simply because he said he loved her... when you do bad things (even in his circumstances) there should be consequences and I appreciate stories that take this aspect into consideration as well.
I can see how from Makoto's perspective, finding out he seduced her at Beryl's orders is a double betrayal. One of her feelings as a civilian; and the other of her honor as Senshi... as she was unwittingly used as a tool in the downfall of the Silver Millenium.
And that part at the end, where he interacts with Ami and Rei was hilarious. How both sides try to be casual yet intimitating... and Ami breaking the tension at the end with "Remember, watermelon" it was perfection! :))))
Well, onward to the next chapter now!
TropicalRemix chapter 22 . 4/27
I'm surprised that none of them got kicked off the flight.
A Summer's Melody chapter 22 . 4/26
Low key wish they took the private jet lol. Again, thank you for the update. I hope things work out between Mako and Neph. Maybe the long plane ride will force them to chat?
A Summer's Melody chapter 21 . 4/26
Of course you would gift us with two updates in a day. Thank. You. Also, there’s nothing wrong with having a ‘talky’ chapter. I like seeing the interactions among the generals and Neph with the Senshi. Zoicite’s reaction to Jaedites new powers was hilarious. I read that part twice xD
merendinoemiliano chapter 22 . 4/25
Much Better descriptions, keep improving
Valkyrie Celes chapter 22 . 4/25
Oo more Mako and neph times yay! But aww for the rest of the Generals. I hope Kunzite's plan worked and they can all keep their senses about them and stop this. All the banter between the group was a lot of fun!
TropicalRemix chapter 21 . 4/25
Lol Jadeite's saying "No, I am not depriving a village of its -"
merendinoemiliano chapter 21 . 4/25
Quite nice chapter, trough you should describe the scenes some more. See you soon.
Valkyrie Celes chapter 21 . 4/25
Ah wealth, the greatest of all super powers. But good info dump of a chapter, we needed to know all of this for the end game. And excited to see what the others powers will be!
LoveInTheBattleField chapter 21 . 4/24
This chapter was nice.
A Summer's Melody chapter 20 . 4/21
I loved this chapter—thank you for the update! The conversation between Mako and Neph cut me deep, especially after re-reading the previous chapter. But now that his link is cut off to Metalia, I’d like to see him have a conversation with Mamoru. All in time, I’m sure. You’re a talented storyteller; I can’t wait to see what you have in store
merendinoemiliano chapter 20 . 4/20
Quite nice introspection and dialogues, the atmosphere is also pretty good trough missing something for the overall scene in descriptions. See you soon and hoping for loads of badass fights.
Valkyrie Celes chapter 20 . 4/20
Lol Mako and Neph are back together, yay! And I wouldn't have their first interaction with Neph de-brainwashed/controlled be any other way. Great chapter! These two are really fun together, and glad to see the entire gang back together.
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