Reviews for Into The Empire - Discontinued & Original Version
Love A Mysterious Thing chapter 2 . 1/8/2012
So here I am! And I love the beginning where you, the author, interact with the characters! Classic. I love the plot line so far, but wish I had more detail about what their surroundings look like. I pictured a mountain trail or a cave. I'm also a little confused on how many people there are. But that might just be my lack of knowlege on the game. This is just the beginning of this story and I think once I know more about the characters and how their personalities fit into this, I'll be less confused.

But you are a talented writer for stories. Your sentences weren't choppy, it all flowed and nothing was repeated like other "novelists", like myself, have problems with. And for that I'm impressed. Keep working on this and I'll make sure to keep a look out for this story. I want to see how it all goes. - keep writing!
Nana Sakura chapter 2 . 9/10/2010
This is a very original story and I like it a lot! You should continue! .
godofmadness43 chapter 2 . 6/22/2010
now this is a good story, write more chapters!
SarahSultana chapter 2 . 3/5/2010
I like this story idea! Keep up the good work.