Reviews for Her Blood Lust
llazo4108824 chapter 6 . 12/22/2014
I love this fanfic and you should make more chpters of this fanfic.
Guest chapter 6 . 6/4/2014
liked the story...need to write more
Vampire from Hell chapter 4 . 5/10/2013
It was quite good. I think that Alucard and Seras were in character perfectly, you did a great job! D
Imogene19 chapter 4 . 5/9/2013
Wow. Best I've ever read.
Jolly good show, m'dear!
Imogene19 chapter 2 . 5/9/2013
I am in love.
With this story.
LadyNorth76 chapter 6 . 3/28/2013
I can't wait for more. Please update soon. Thanks!
Melody Lynn Kamiya chapter 6 . 11/28/2011
more please! really liked it xD
31Bravo chapter 6 . 10/19/2011
Really good story so far and can't wait for an update!. Hope you hav'nt given up on it?
The 666th necrophiliac chapter 6 . 12/13/2010
Great so far.
He will knock four times chapter 6 . 11/26/2010
real sad state of affairs when you see a magnificent Fanfiction like this only to realize the author has probably abandoned it. I love how everyone is in character. Alucard especially. you nailed his character perfectly and he is the hardest of any character to keep from being occ.

I can sincerly say that i love this and I hope you will continue.
lara5170 chapter 6 . 11/14/2010
more need more
kissXkiss chapter 6 . 10/24/2010
i love it lol
Lord Woman chapter 6 . 10/1/2010
that was evil. i can't believe you left it there! i am oh-so-impatiently awaiting an update!
EnbyPanther chapter 6 . 9/12/2010
Ok I love what you've done to seras she's a freaking beast! Alucard is so hot lol and seductive I'm really liking your story so far and I absolutely can't wait until you update again! Much love

emo-bunny121 chapter 6 . 8/13/2010
Ahh Yay I'm so happy about the next chapter, i have waited for what seems to me very long haha, anyway good job i loved blood lust Seras sooo cool, Can't wait for the next chapter~
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