Reviews for You Had My Heart From the Beginning
russia2774 chapter 47 . 2/12/2016
More updates please
stardreamer2608 chapter 47 . 8/9/2015
Loved the chapter please continue to update
alexlc chapter 13 . 12/16/2014
OK so my computer froze after chapter 12. I restarted and began to search. I looked thru 32 pages of fan fiction to find it again. I didn't. Then I realized google had saved my last search and found it. Thank God! It would have driven me nuts not to be able to finish it.

I love the stories :
omg chapter 47 . 7/27/2013
yep that's how you lose your virginity you say "distract me" and guess what she was crying again yup that's attractive I know im crying like a little babyAGAIN so lets have sex
lol chapter 46 . 7/27/2013
your soooo strong that's why your always crying and on the verge of a breakdown...bitch please
please chapter 44 . 7/27/2013
please have rose move out while hes sleeping..u shouldn't shelter and yell at rose hathaway
stupid chapter 42 . 7/27/2013
why does rose sleep all the time but is drop dead tired and don't give me that she has nightmares bs because you have her sleeping ALL THE TIME
haha chapter 41 . 7/27/2013
HI rich...roza he doesn't give his name out so I cant tell
ok I give up on his story its stupid
ya chapter 39 . 7/27/2013
Since dimitri wont give it up Rose should go hook up with ivashkov He'll show her whats up! Dimitri is staying with rose...alone...why cant they do it? There is no way dimitri is a 24 year old male!
uummm chapter 38 . 7/27/2013
why does rose always cry and then they make dimitri really wants t get it on wit a crying chick
ummm chapter 36 . 7/27/2013
Ya rose Hathaway is crying cause she has a gash on her head...riiiiight.
um chapter 35 . 7/27/2013
is dimitri having a convo with the dog? He did it once before in roses room but I thought he was just mucking around...what the Hell? That's just stupid the puppy opened his mind up to dimitri yaaaaaa sure. And ya itd be totally stupid if he went after rose and lissa...his charge. God this is crap
me chapter 34 . 7/27/2013
Rose is a why is she uncoordinated? Please stop making her this weak little bitch! ur starting to piss me off!
me chapter 10 . 7/26/2013
Rose really does seem immature. Like a helpless little kid its kinda pathetic. Really what the hell does she bring to the relationship besides her body? She treats people like crap for no reason..itd be fine if it was all sarcastic remarks but no she goes from 0 to 10. She cries like a fuckin baby when she sleeps. She whines about everything. Cant do her school work cause shes stupid. And pretty much relies on Dimitri for everthing...your really not making her very appealing ya know! But besides the shit job your doing writing roses character the writing is good so good job.
200 va girl chapter 47 . 8/18/2011
Are u kidding me?it was so damn goooooood love it pls update it soon . I am kinda addicted
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