Reviews for Powerless
BonanzaRocks chapter 1 . 4/8
So sad. Awesome.
TheEliteLabRatsLover chapter 1 . 9/17/2018
Love. I just love it.
aapenname chapter 1 . 3/14/2017
Ooh. The sympathy vomit. Poor Cas. Great short!
BlackIceWitch chapter 1 . 4/12/2012
Brilliant dialogue, standout comments on the vomiting. A great read, thanks.
smalld1171 chapter 1 . 8/31/2011
Just found this story and I had to send a review along! AWESOME! I loved every bit of it. Thanks so much! :)
azerjaban chapter 1 . 7/31/2011
Oh please continue. Excellant detial. Wonder how they react to the bodies in the room. And how do they get to the panic room. Thnx for the awesome read
Switbo chapter 1 . 12/13/2010
Very nice.

Well - kind of disgusting actually, but I liked the concept.

Poor Sam. Kripke must hate him. He's so awful to Sam all the time. Fighting with his Dad. Jess. Madison. Ruby. Demon Blood. Lilith and the cage. Constant recriminations from Dean. Lucifer. Hell. And now, soulless. Auugh! It makes me want to scream. He's my favorite and I feel like he is so picked on.
supernaturalbuffy chapter 1 . 4/2/2010
I love the somberness of the beginning...and then you hit with the dual vomiting. Kind of funny, but...ew? So many different things playing here, I don't even know where to begin. Sorrow, disgust, concern... Yeah. A lot. Very well done and in very few words.
SunnyZim chapter 1 . 3/28/2010
Ah, poor Sam and Dean:-( I'm glad that Sam made himself throw up though. This was well-written - a realistic portrayal of what could have gone down between the two brothers. Good job:-)
SCWLC chapter 1 . 3/12/2010
I like the way you've captured Dean *not* blaming Sam for giving in, while still having that level of blame that Dean can't help because he's only human, so he's just trying to not say anything, but still show Sam he cares.

Also, Cas eating straight from the raw hamburger meat was the one thing in that episode I couldn't watch. That was just . . . way more disgusting than the blood drinking. I'm really glad someone has thought to note that in an episode tag in this way.

Wonderful little piece you have here.
AKRine chapter 1 . 3/10/2010
This episode left me aching at the end... I really hope the bigger-plan for this plotline plays out well. *sigh* Dean needs an answer to that prayer...and maybe some proof that there's purpose behind everything after all. And not the kind of purpose the faithless-angels have in mind. *grumbles* "Free will is an illusion" my tail-feathers.

Sorry, ranting. Anyways, I enjoyed this missing-moment. Please keep writing! I'm depending on fanfiction to get me through until the show starts up again, and I really, really like the way you portray the characters.
PADavis chapter 1 . 3/1/2010
Beautifully done - thanks for having them remember to get the ring. Poor Sam and Cas - but my heart just broke for Dean in that ep.

Phoebe chapter 1 . 2/26/2010
How I wish this had actually happened in the epi. Great missing scene, perfect.
daisymaygirl1 chapter 1 . 2/26/2010
I loved seeing Dean looking after a falling apart Sam here. Great tag. I really enjoyed reading it.
supernaturalsammy67 chapter 1 . 2/26/2010

ohh hun...gorgeous fic!

loved what happened and you had a weakening, sombre sam down to a t! fanatastic fic, brilliantly written


fave fave fave!

Loved it!

lOve Demon induced weak Sam- beautiful bro moments x
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