Reviews for Needed Part One of the Ed trilogy
Guest chapter 31 . 1/27/2017
I've just finished the story, and I have to say that I really enjoyed it. I liked the plot, and you did a good job of writing the story. However, the only complaints I have are that there were a lot of grammatical errors, and parts of the story could've been worded better. If you fixed those, I think it would improve the fanfic massively and people could focus entirely on the story as a whole, and not the mistakes.
maxxbaby chapter 31 . 8/8/2013
Will you ever continue this trilogy? I would love for you to write more on this story.
Oxymironic chapter 13 . 7/19/2013
Huh. I find it all rather lackluster. Prentiss and JJ were just as much arses as Morgan was being. He was just more gruff about it. No, if she really felt that way, then Prentiss should have done more than just drop hints when he wasn't picking up on them. Not that his behavior is excusable, but neither was hers. And what was with Rossi? I swear he changed tunes with that line about not choosing sides and all. Don't know if I can keep reading this.
Oxymironic chapter 9 . 7/19/2013
I don't know about anyone else, but this is really starting to tee me off. I mean, good story, but no matter how bad Morgan is, it really seems to be more Garcia's fault for letting such thoughts get to her like that. With everyone blaming her leaving on Morgan, well, they've just made my opinion of them fall, hard and fast. JJ and Prentiss espicially. And what Hotch said that one time...

I feel like seeing a scene where Morgan finds out that the reason she left was because of seeing him with that woman and he just cracks up, laughs in all of their faces and walks away without saying anything.
d-kronk chapter 31 . 4/20/2013
I'm glad Derek went after her and got her to read the letters.
d-kronk chapter 26 . 4/20/2013
I'm glad they are finally starting to talk and I really do hope that Morgan talks to her and doesn't give up.
d-kronk chapter 15 . 4/20/2013
Nice cliffhanger. And I like the progression of the case in this chapter.
d-kronk chapter 13 . 4/20/2013
Someone needs to just slap some sense into the two of them... make them see that they are both hurting each other so much that they are pushing the other away.
d-kronk chapter 12 . 4/19/2013
I still agree with Emily's assessment... he is a jackass. But I'm glad she's finally getting him to talk a bit.
d-kronk chapter 11 . 4/19/2013
I like this back story on what's been happening with Hotch.
d-kronk chapter 10 . 4/19/2013
I'm glad Mac told her to go... and definitely looking forward to what happens now that they are in the same room.
d-kronk chapter 9 . 4/6/2013
Great chapter. I really like where this is going and Morgan's anger in it. I really like him taking Emily's phone from her and Penelope's shock when she hears Morgan's voice is great.
d-kronk chapter 7 . 4/6/2013
Nice chapter. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens when the two meet again.
d-kronk chapter 6 . 4/6/2013
I'm glad she was there for the funeral. And Hotch's comments to her were great.
d-kronk chapter 4 . 4/6/2013
Man... this chapter is so sad. I don't know who to feel sorry for, both really...
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