Reviews for Feverish
Otaku girl chapter 6 . 7/7
Prussia IS awesome :)
I love his marukaite chikkuuyu
Otaku girl chapter 5 . 7/7
Wow I'm embarrassed when I am sick with vomiting too
I thought I was the only one
Hi I'm a human chapter 4 . 7/6
For chapter 4: almost made me cry, poor Canada! Also I have never wanted Russia to be a bad guy- what can I say? Ima fan girl! (Of apparently too many countries)
Hi I'm a human chapter 3 . 7/6
That's ok if was long. Canada... That's what I say almost every time I see him in an episode of hetalia.
Thx for writing it. I can never find really good Sickfic like this
And I would never be able to write it
AlizaGam chapter 20 . 6/3
At first I thought it would be ACE family or Amecan. Then I thought it was Ruscan, later I questioned if it was Prucan. Now, I don't care what type of cancan the can can. (Lol) I just want another chapter. It's so good! I know it will likely never update but I can wish. Thank you for what you have written.
BlackPolaris chapter 20 . 5/20
Oh, so this fic is unfinished... I was scared of the title, I thought Canada died or something. God, that was terrifying. Anyway, I know it's 9 years later, and it's not likely you will update or even see this, BUT an update would be nice!
Guest chapter 20 . 5/14
Hello. It’s 9 years later and Hetalia seems to be crawling out of its grave. For old times sake I decided to read some fanfics. I will never forgive you for not finishing this.
Guest chapter 20 . 4/19
Coming back to re-read this as I like this allot but it seems to still be stopped here. I feel a little disappointed because i'd like to know how this will I get it if your're unable to but it still makes me sad.
Guest chapter 20 . 3/25
Please post part 21. Please. This is too good to stop
Guest chapter 5 . 3/10
I really like the fanfiction but the spelling mistakes when France is speaking is really disturbing. In French, America is Amérique, there's no l' before it. Never. Also, when it's not a name or a proper noun, you can't put any capital letter. Another important thing, when France talk to Canada, he can't say "mon petite". "Petite" with an E at the end makes the word feminine. It's like he was saying that Matthew was a girl. France should say "mon petit" instead. There's other things but that's the only ones that disturbed me the most.
Purasuchikku chapter 1 . 12/30/2019
Maple Syrup-tard chapter 20 . 12/6/2019
Oh man oh mannnn. I remember reading this way back during summer break in 2013 and just, bingeing the entire thing because the story had me enthralled. Then a couple days ago, I stumbled upon this story again and decided to reread it. So even after all these years, I can confidently say that I’m still equally enthralled with this ahhhh 333

Can’t really remember if I left a signed in review here before (too lazy to sign in to check lol) but even if I did, I don’t care. I’m giving you another one because this story deserves all the reviews~ It’s such a gem and I love how it can still hold up against all the newer fan fictions out there that people can pump out nowadays.

Its just, the plot is great, the suspense is great, the characters are great, everything is great about the story. Like, especially the interactions that go on between each nations. It really feels fleshed out and unique. I mean, of course the nations have those certain characteristics they gotta follow through with but it doesn’t feel like it’s slapped on top of them when they talk or interact y’know? Like for example with America, of course the dude’s the hero and is impulsive but, you write it in a way that he has a personality that go beyond those traits. And the same could be said of the others on how their personality and behaviour isn’t just based off a couple distinguishable traits.

... I hope that made sense ;

Anyway enough of my ramblings! Just gonna end off by saying that, although I’m not too into Hetalia anymore, it still holds a special place in my heart. And this applies even more to works that I used to read in my spare time back in high school. You may never actually come back to finish this, and that’s okay, because you’ve got a life and most likely your interests have changed too. But wherever you are dear writer, hope you’re doing well and that you know your story will always hold a special place in my easily excitable high school girl heart haha~
HANNIBAL chapter 20 . 9/6/2019
Oh god I need more! Why? WHHY? MOOORRRRÈEEE!
AnimeAddicts7 chapter 20 . 6/12/2019
This... Did not turn out at all how I expected it to. I was intrigued, however, as you can see by my review, or can't see, depending how long ago this was last updated and if you even care anymore. In one word: wow. Wow. Wowie wow wowie wowie wow. Wow. It's not a mean wow. It's a O_O wow. I'm tittilated.
Justarandomlittleshit chapter 1 . 6/2/2019
This looks interesting.
I really like Canada Sickfics
Keep up the good work!

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