Reviews for Pillar of Salt
Guest chapter 1 . 12/11/2016
Amazing read, you captured all and more of the emotions I always imagined Rose and the metacrises Doctor would be having. I loved the level of detail and background you went into with Rose's and the Doctor's struggles, Thank you so much! I cannot wait for the sequel!
Machaon's Apprentice chapter 6 . 9/12/2015
What a truly beautiful story !
Sophia chapter 6 . 6/25/2014
This wa brilliantly written. The best fanfic I have read so far. Absolutely amazing. Keep writing, whatever you do.
teh-ena chapter 6 . 1/8/2013
I really enjoyed this story. The writing was fantastic, and switching between Now and Then made it into a very thought-provoking read that didn't come off as being too confusing. I think that the best part of this story is that you captured both Rose and the metacrisis' thoughts and feelings brilliantly. It's a very confusing situation, and you seem to have captured it very well. Also, I'm intrigued by the changes that you mentioned Rose having from both the dimension cannon and Bad Wolf. I'm curious to see these changes manifest more, and I'd love to read a continuation of this story at some point.
Emily chapter 6 . 12/15/2012
You are an amazing writer. I just want to make sure you know that. This is my favorite fanfiction ever, I come back to it and read it occasionally, just to smile and cry and enjoy it all over again. The way you wrote it was very interesting, with the ordering of chapters and events. It definitely takes a skilled writer to pull that off (and you did). You wrote Rose so believably and their situation and confused emotions were so realistic and true. It may sound a little weird, but I have to say that after reading that last bit where the doctor communicates with rose, I found myself loving 10th even more. lol I know it's weird because the 10th never actually said or did that but it was just so well written and realistic that I feel like he could have! And so thank-you. I hope to read a lot more of your stories :) oh, and i hope your health has gotten better! Best wishes!
Kina Kalamari chapter 6 . 3/26/2012
Oh, God. How is that authors in the Doctor Who fandom keep making me almost cry? This is insane. I never cried at any sort of media until I watched Doomsday, and now it seems like I can't get rid of it. Words. They just get me sometimes.

Anyway, I say that because the bit in this last chapter about goodbyes was so incredibly beautiful that my eyes really did get a bit wet. And I loved the whole thing. I totally get what Sally Sparrow meant about sad being happy for deep people.

That was great. Really, really great.
SuLily chapter 6 . 1/28/2012
this was amazing, the way you wrote Rose was very realistic and in character! "...there will be gray, rainy days, a thousand years from now, when I'll see something that reminds me of you without realizing it, and I'll smile without quite knowing why." omg you made me cry with this part, beautifully written!
Snicks chapter 6 . 12/13/2011
I can very much see Rose going through this turmoil. Heck I went through it just watching the show! Great job - I can't wait to read more of your stuff
Kayti13 chapter 1 . 11/8/2011
I like that you added the 'flippin' Time Lord' part. People are always forgetting that he used a lot of Donna's mannerisms in the episode. They write his as if he were just the Doctor, but he's an entirely different character.
on-stolen-time chapter 6 . 9/28/2011
*SOB* WHAT IS LIFE? That was absolutely beautiful. Give me a moment, I need a moment. *Continues to sob*
ValaEnVash chapter 1 . 4/29/2011
I really hope you continue this storyline. It was very well written and thought out. I look forward to part 2!
YamiNoTomoyo chapter 6 . 7/5/2010
Oh my God, that speech has me bawling. Has. Present tense.

So... Perfect. I don't think anything I've ever read quite matches up. Ever. T.T

Thank you.
timano chapter 6 . 5/27/2010
I thoroughly enjoyed this story! I'm glad you're planning a sequel. (Which you might already have finished, for all I know-I read through the archive from oldest complete story to newest, so I'll get there eventually.) 10 out of 10 stars for this story! Now on to the next...
Buffy289 chapter 6 . 4/27/2010
oh my... you made me cry like doomsday... good job and thank you for sharing!
I-de-BadBad-Wolf chapter 6 . 3/8/2010
Amazing story - very well written. Thanks for sharing. Can't wait for the sequels *hugs*
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