Reviews for Broken Insanity
Guest chapter 1 . 9/4/2015
MovieVillain chapter 1 . 5/29/2014
That's how their relationship is not much different from Sasuke and Sakura from Naruto.
Fireminer chapter 1 . 4/12/2014
That is certainly weird.
Shiori Yomu chapter 1 . 4/28/2013
Aside from a few errors...This was good! Their personalities are spot-on too!
LilyAceThompson17 chapter 1 . 4/10/2013
I remember reading this one, and it was the first story that has a (not descriptive) scene.

I enjoyed and loved this very much.
Scrabbleton chapter 1 . 3/30/2010
Wow, this took me so long to do... I really do have to apologize to you, for it isn't like me to stick to a promise so loosely. But I'm here, and I've time, so here is your review. ...That I took far too long getting to. :(

So, from what I can tell, most of your writing in this particular fanfic tries to stick to the canon material in Continuum Shift and fairly enough, it sticks to it quite nicely. Nearing the end, I actually found it good you didn't use too much detail on what might happen in Continuum Shift's true ending (AKA: What happens to Noel after being transformed and the such). NO ONE knows what happens in it (yet) so anyone could read this and get what you were trying to convey well.

Jin's evil/good/insane personality is done quite well. And in the 'end,' I can imagine his insanity changing it from 'kill Noel' to *SPOILER*. At least you used it in a way that it would make it believable. You wouldn't believe some of the smut that revolves around *SPOILER*. And by the way, you kind of pushed the 'T' rating. Luckily, without the vivid description about the *SPOILER* scene, you have nothing to worry about.

Also, seeing Noel worry for Jin's welfare is just what she would easily do. She even helps him after knowing he would try to kill her and you stuck to this. Overall, nice work.

In the end, you kept their personalities intact, and they came out rather well. I'll give you kudos on that subject.

Now, with the praise along comes the criticism.

What I heavily noticed in the story was the frequent grammar mistakes and the tense swinging back and forth. When it came to the tense: it is present one moment, than past the other. All in all, this was the largest problem in the story, and it could use some ironing out. The grammar wasn't the highest quality that it could've achieved but don't fret. Even though the grammar may have been a problem, it didn't destroy your story. All it did was put a scratch on the paint.

And there were a few problems with some of the characters too. First, Tsubaki was sent a 'confidential' order to assassinate Jin and Noel; therefore, she wouldn't have any soldiers (or anyone for that matter actually) following her. It's a completely solo job, and she can't have any help due to its secrecy.

Second, when it comes to Jin saying Nu-13, it's actually V-13. Nu is simply the name of her soul which goes inside the several clones of the clone series. It was a very minor mistake, so it's not much of an issue.

Well, sorry this took so long but I'm sure you'll understand because of the 'problem'. (I've more time on my hands nowadays by the way.) Alright, I'll be looking forward to your next works and quite possibly more Jin/Noel! Oh, and also, don't be nervous to ask me for help on your stories! I would be absolutely glad to help you out if you want me to! :)
Kionkitchee chapter 1 . 3/9/2010
Really insane...

Actually, I dunno the charas so I couldn't imagine them. However, when I read Jin n Noel, hmm~ nope, nothing.


Kyou Kionkitchee.
Cypher0120 chapter 1 . 2/25/2010
Odd story...

But I like it! Very, very, much.