Reviews for Hibernation
Concolor44 chapter 1 . 3/7/2011
Psycho-psycho-psychological-logical ... illogical.

"There is no mistake more common or more fatuous than appealing to logic in cases which are beyond her jurisdiction." - Samuel Butler

And the Joker is most DEFINITELY beyond her jurisdiction. Expecting logic from the Joker is the definition of a self-defeating plan.

You and Miss Sno make quite a couple, author-wise. Your work has depth one doesn't typically see in fan-fiction. I think if you wanted to write original stuff for publication, you could do it.
Venom4289 chapter 1 . 6/6/2010
That was a very wonderful story! I would like to thank you for all of the great fanfiction you have made! All of the ones I've read so far are simply amazing! Thank you! You are by far my favorite author!
kikyohater920alltheway chapter 1 . 5/15/2010
I loved this very much :)I just finished Gotham City Sirens so reading this made me smile :P
Juniper113 chapter 1 . 4/6/2010
Very well done.. it really captures the relationships between all the characters quite well

Dark Gotham chapter 1 . 3/19/2010
Very nice work. Poor Harley. I feel bad for her in this. I mean, it must be hard having to live with the Joker and then having to put up with his issues and everything too.
TL chapter 1 . 2/20/2010
Waht scares me more then anything is that we haven't seen joker.

Harly fought off his first sidekick, there is this "Jester" working over Arkum clameing to be Joker's evil twin or some other such crap but of the real deal? Vary little.

Joker has been broken down in the past few yars, so much so that even Batman himself stated Joker was barly in the top ten anymore.

This Hibernation that Harly senced... what is going to come out of it when it comes to the Joker, that is what worries me.
TheMadPuppy chapter 1 . 2/20/2010
For something written after a hiatus of 2 years, this is more than good. My fav part? When his voice rose out of the darkness. I mean we all anticipated it, we all knew it was coming, but it doesn't dull the rush of satisfaction at all. In fact I think it makes the fangasm better.

Back to the fic, comparing Batman's loss for Joker to Joker's loss for Harley was briliant. For those (like me) who relate more to Harley than to Joker, it helps put his despaired mood in perspective and get it in your gut. And of course, seeing him come back to life, if only just a bit, thanks to Harley, is a treat for any JHQ fan!

To wrap up-of course this piece feels a bit rusted, but you still have it, and it shows. A new fic before next year, please? ;)
Queen Ghidorah chapter 1 . 2/19/2010
Does this suck? Not at all. In fact, I'm beginning to doubt you could produce anything sucky. As for cheesy - well, it DID make this stupid little grin plaster itself all over my face that I could just not get rid of. What can I say? I LIKE good cheese.

Gotta say I loved the eBay joke as well as the idea of Harley having a phone with villainous contacts. Man, what a sum THAT would fetch at auction!
piratechicka chapter 1 . 2/19/2010
Wow, great chapter! I love this story, it seemed very realistic, and believeable! I love how you shifted the mood so quickly, and you controlled it with such ease! You are a true artist at this!