Reviews for Secret
Princess Phoenix Tears chapter 1 . 10/10/2011
Very nice drabble! I really enjoyed it!

Aerileigh chapter 1 . 3/13/2010
Ha! I loved Draco's character here. The line about Head Boy was pure arrogance, and it was lovely, and that last bit of dialog:

He grumbled, sulking, "Always so touchy about the bloody boyfriend."

Ha! What a little brat. And how I love him for it, all the same.

So will you be continuing this? I think it deserves a sequel - I want to know what Hermione decided!

Also - you were heavy on the description here. Drabbles are torture no matter what, because you have to sort of trade off on character, plot, and description. If you balanced them a little better, you'd be able to give more information and it would feel like a whole story, instead of a short bit of one. I hope that makes sense.

Either way, it was well written - I hope you continue!
tinyriot chapter 1 . 2/25/2010
That was great! :]

The drabble isn't listed as complete, does that mean there will be more? Hopefully yes.
gbeanz chapter 1 . 2/21/2010
I was looking forward to reading this given starlit's sentence, and your fic didn't disappoint!

I loved this bit:

“Oh, it’s Malfoy now, is it? Funny, I could have sworn it was Draco you were moaning a moment ago!” he called after her, much louder than was wise. But she was already slamming the portrait of the Fat Lady behind her, and he was frankly becoming quite tired of their life of secrecy. She was his, as far as he was concerned, and she should be his alone. He grumbled, sulking, “Always so touchy about the bloody boyfriend.”

Most definetely Draco, characterized wonderfully!

Oh and this bit:

"I’m Head Boy. Enough of your mindless fretting" Got to love it when he's in control.

scubarang chapter 1 . 2/20/2010
Good background on the original sentence, but you've left it so open, I think you have to do a sequel to let us know what Hermione brought to the situation.

This was a fun little drabble. Good job.
starlit skyes chapter 1 . 2/20/2010
Lol, that was very, very cute!

"“I’m Head Boy. Enough of your mindless fretting,” he replied, his voice huskier than the usual, calm tones. He grabbed her wrists, lifting them above her head and pushing her back against the shelves, beginning maul her throat with his perfect teeth and lashing red tongue."

Loved all that.

I thought her reaction would be a little different to his warning, lol. But still, your way fit perfectly. I love the dramatic end.

Great job! :D :D
Boogum chapter 1 . 2/20/2010
Oh, do you plan to continue this?

Anyway, I liked this. It was very angry and steamy. *grins*

A tip: if you want to write drabbles like this, try removing some adjectives and adverbs. You'll have a lot more words to use for story that way. _
shana.rose chapter 1 . 2/19/2010
this doesn't really seem like a drabble to me more like the beginning of a series. Very good.
barriegolightly chapter 1 . 2/19/2010
It's good obviously. Wouldn't mind reading more. ;) diarydiarydiary updatez prease. Thanks lovey
Harrypotterlover56 chapter 1 . 2/19/2010
What is Hermione going to do? Update soon!
Starthrowing Dream chapter 1 . 2/19/2010
This was an absolutely wonderful story. It was well written, a little dark, and I didn't think it was suffering at all. I'm adding this to my favorites!