Reviews for Slow Down, Baby
maimelon chapter 1 . 5/20/2012
This is so cute. I love it :)))
ihearttvsnark chapter 1 . 2/24/2010
I love, love, love this! I'm going crazy with the hiatus too and that preview was awesome. I'm a Serena/Carter and a Serena/Nate fan, so I'm really looking forward to seeing what happens when the show comes back. Anyway, I love the way you write Nate and Serena - so playful and flirty, but it's obvious they have a deep connection and real feelings for one another. Great job!
Karkoolka chapter 1 . 2/20/2010
so much perfect and sweet and cute :-D
betweentheraindrops chapter 1 . 2/18/2010
Oh. My. God. You have absolutely no idea how much I love this.

Honestly, this has temporarily filled the hole that is my NS heart.

I've been missing them like crazy too.

Thanks so much for writing this. 3
DKnAK chapter 1 . 2/18/2010
Very sweet. If only the show would let you write for them :-)
flyingalong chapter 1 . 2/18/2010
"This...isn't...slow," [...]

"Matter of opinion," she says, looking into his eyes. "We could be going faster."

Nice. :)


She does his zipper back up, brushing against him in the process, and she giggles when he lets out a hot breath against her collar bone.

Oh,the things this DOES to me.
DaeDreemer chapter 1 . 2/18/2010
Oh I highly, highly encourage impatience if this is what we get! ;) This is so lovely and wonderful and sweet. 3

I just love them talking about what they want and could have and then the in-between kisses! *giggle* PRECIOUS.

I love how they can't stop looking at each other. Serena's hands in his hair (Blair's shampoo!), Nate thinking about the sweater, and her 'it's new' and just all of it. Awesome.

Thanks so much for writing it! :D :D
Sarah chapter 1 . 2/18/2010
amazing :-)

promo was amazing too, cant wait :-)
sea of imaginaton chapter 1 . 2/18/2010
Simply wonderful. You never cease to amaze me. Sweet and sexy and if you can turn out work of this quality so quickly I have to say I'm alittle envious. Haha. But seriously great work.
yaba chapter 1 . 2/18/2010
sexy...sweet...squeal worthy. You must be a machine to be putting out so much great fanfic. You're one of the most talented writers here and your stuff is pure quality. I love it :)

singsongsung chapter 1 . 2/17/2010
"This exists pretty much solely because I'm impatient and this hiatus has been way, way too long." - More impatience. More fics. Pleasepleaseplease? I am craving NS so hard. It's ridiculous. I need more of them in my life. Right now.

But also, this fic? I love. And I want this. This was just perfect and adorable and they are so in love that I. Can't. Even. Handle. It. Gah!

LOL, Nate using Blair's shampoo! What a cutie. And he carries her to the bed! This is where I swoon. The ending was just perfect. 3

If you want to write more to help me (probably a lot of NS fans, actually) get through this hiatus, by all means, PLEASE DO!
hopelessromantic0707 chapter 1 . 2/17/2010
this was wonderful! i'm kind of jealous that you wrote it in a half hour because it should take much longer to write something this you're kind of awesome.

the last line was my favorite (so true, serena never does anything slowly) because it shows how much she wants the relationship with nate to be different than all of her others.

loved it (and this hiatus is far too long, i heartily concur)!
isabellaa chapter 1 . 2/17/2010
OMG ;D;D that was so good ;D really helps me through this stupid hiatus!

i've watched the promo like a million times so i was hoping someone would make a fic on it ;D

this was perfect :D