Reviews for Halo Prime
Guest chapter 34 . 1/7/2019
That’s just great. Another story I’ve read that is better than all the rest is left unfinished. I just hope you prove me wrong and come back like the other one didn’t.
Guest chapter 34 . 7/15/2017
2 year cliffhanger. I wish you continue the Halo Prime storyline. A lot of fans has been captured by this amazing fanfic, and very many people would love it if it were updated. Hope you do it in the future, :)
Slim A Lou Prime chapter 20 . 1/8/2017
This one of the best crossovers I have ever read. Then I got to thinking mane the space priests will try and make a dark master chief I would pay to see master chief take on his dark self. Dark master chief would be able to hurt him much worse then any other person not in the sense of fiscal damage more mental damage because he would know how to hurt him but it's just a thought
Althea Sirius chapter 5 . 6/13/2016
Can you at least tell me when Samus shows up?
BaconXLord53 chapter 34 . 4/3/2016
Aww man total cliff hanger i was so waiting for her to destroy that guy.
Guest chapter 34 . 2/8/2016
I love the story update as soon as u can!
Azrael Akuma chapter 1 . 1/4/2016
Okay. I was gonna read you story, but I do my usual thing and read through the reviews of the story and I have to say that Fred and Linda losing to Samus is BS. I would explain, but it seems that some guest beat me to it.
Guest chapter 4 . 12/10/2015
Godam it i hate he unsc vs federation plot thay both hav enemies that there having trouble with why would thay spend time fighting eachother
Guest chapter 4 . 10/29/2015
The story I sent bad but I'm just not a fan of the gf vs unsc plot that is used a lot so I'm not gunna read on but don't let that stop you it Isn't bad it's just not fore me
Guest chapter 3 . 10/29/2015
So far your jumping the shark bro your only hope now is to land safely
Guest chapter 1 . 10/29/2015
You almost dropped the ball buy going completely againsed the halo timeline and basic story of the games Jonson is dead accept it but I'll keep reading to see if it gets better just don't make the same mistakes everyone els dos
Guest chapter 34 . 9/21/2015
Actually AD, while I do love your story, if you did try to break down Samus feats, abilities and weapons and Compare them to the Chiefs, you would find that she really isn't that broken at all. Metorid games are largely "Flash" as opposed to "substance", that is to say they are meant to look cool rather than truly emphasis effectiveness. For one, she has nothing in her arsenal that is considered long range, I don't believe she has anything that has an effective range beyond 10 meters, that's only about 33 feet. That means she fight's exclusively at short range. By comparison, Halo weapons have actual combat ranges, even short range/ medium range weapons like the assault rifle have an effective range of about 300 meter, about 30 times greater than the range of any of Samus's weapons.

Now in an actual fight, that would mean the ability to hit the target from a range they couldn't hit back with, but more importantly, it shows the "Flash vs Substance" aspects of both games, Halo is based around cut and dry ugly effectiveness and efficiency. Metroid is much flashier and have many bright lights and looks extremely powerful, but upon close inspection and comparison, the weapons Samus has aren't really that efficient for what they are, she has no flexibility in terms of fighting range.

Their are other issues that make Samus actually a much less effective combatant than the Chief as well. For one, she has almost no close combat fighting skill's in comparison to the Chief. I'm not say she doesn't have any, but compared to the Chief, it wouldn't do her any good. But one of her biggest issues is fighting stamina, and by this I mean she can't keep herself in fighting readiness like a Spartan. It is seen that her armor, and her, can be taken down and knocked out by a relatively weak blast to the back in Metorid Other M. She loses her armor and can't ready bring it back even when she regains consciousness, and if she get's upset or loses concentration she loses the armor. The Hardwear on the Spartan Armor doesn't have this short coming and what's more is the MJOLNIR armor doesn't have.

Now Samus does have a distinct advantage in one area. Speed, she is much faster than anything Chief has ever shown. This is a fact that can not be disputed. But is it enough to win her the fight? Unfortunately no, Spartans can hit target's with pin point accuracy even when the target is moving extremely quickly, including shooting pilots out of cockpits of aircraft. While Samus exact speed is unknown, it's not unreasonably assume that it is at best comparable to that of a fast aircraft, around mach 1. Given Spartan can shoot the pilot out of a Speeding Banshees without hurting the rest of the craft, it's fair to assume that they could hit Samus.

Samus would be in a fight where she would be force to with fight defensively at long range as she can't engage an enemy at any distance greater than 10 meters. That gives the Chief plenty of time to wear her down at that range, as her shields don't recover automatically like the MJOLNIR suits, she is going to keep taking damage until she can get into the 10 meter range. However, John is a savy fighter, and in comparison to Samus a much more tactical mind. Even with her speed boost, because of his Augmentations, armor and training, he'd still be landing shots on her. However, once she in in that 10 meter range, that is where she'd be able to win the fight. In terms of fire power, in that range she'd far outclass John. However, her more mundane weapons probably wouldn't have much affect, given his armor is designed to handle similar weapons, she'd have to resort to bigger attacks, and at this point their are two ways the fight can go. One she lands a full powered attack on him, beating him. Two, she attempts a full power attack and it is either intercepted by one of the several "indestructible" defenses available to the Spartans "Armor lock, bubble shield or hard light shield" and is drains her power source, leaving her open to lethal counter attack.

In Samus case the fact her weapons are build into her suit is a double edge sword. While she doesn't have to switch out weapons by hand, she does have to have all her power come from the same source, which can be dangerous is a fight, if she uses to much she become defenseless.

All in all the second out come is more likely, Chief's reaction time is far to quick for any of Samus Super Attacks to actually hit him, he'd either be able to dodge them or find a way to block them. The biggest problem for Samus in a fight like this is the augmented reaction time that Spartans have. It's way to quick for any of her weapons to hit him, Spartans can dodge gun fire, which visual evidence suggest is faster than any of Samus weapons and they actually visualize events in slow motion when in combat situation. Spartan reaction time is about 20 milliseconds, and that's in non-combat situation, where it is given to be even higher, and when an AI is added, the affects increase even more.

Samus would simple put not be able to actually hit the Chief, his base reaction time out of combat is what is needed to dodge bullets, which would move around twice as fast as Samus with her speed boost. In terms of Raw power, she has his out gunned, but that fire power wouldn't ever be likely to actually land on it's target. Her actually physical speed wouldn't be enough and the actual speed of her weapons projectile velocity is actually slower than what modern fire arms can achieve.
Mortarion The Death Lord chapter 34 . 9/19/2015
Nice chapter good luck on the next.
Damn chapter 34 . 9/18/2015
been so long I forgot the plot of the story oh well time to reread
SSJ4Vegeta chapter 33 . 8/14/2015
Holy shit. Cant belive ur finally back!
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