Reviews for The Sailor Wizardry History
DarkenedRose24 chapter 6 . 3/15/2014
-blinks and pouts- more please! it's really good and no one really updates fics in this fandom anymore...
Amayada chapter 6 . 3/12/2013
Interesting story! Keep up the good work!

Lucyole chapter 6 . 9/19/2012
very interesting story and very exciting and good.
poor usagi she lost all her memories abut the ones who are
poorer are these who remember them and cant anything to about it.
one wuestion waht is about rini she doesnt can excist without darien
or is there someone elses in his place instead.
please write the next chapter i would be very happy to read more
Shadow Wolf 15846 chapter 6 . 11/13/2011
loved it please keep writting cause i want to know what's going to happen next in the story.
ScarletEyezInfinit chapter 5 . 11/15/2010
this story is very interesting cant wait to read more. i am wondering where you are taking the story.
HTchime chapter 5 . 11/14/2010
Hi, you have a nice story here. I like how they interact realistically and it's more focused on the characters rather than the events. I'm Asian so I do understand some of the cultural differences but not all of them since I'm not Japanese_; Anyway, I hope you continue with this :)
Nortia chapter 5 . 9/16/2010
Hey, this is really good. I really liked it. Please update soon.
Sesshy's Mistress chapter 5 . 8/9/2010
Another great story, I just hope this one is finished :)
Chicwa88 chapter 3 . 4/2/2010
Good story so far. Although it is kind of confusing sometimes on how the story is written. Mainly with Harry's parts. Maybe its how he talks/thinks. I dunno. None the less I like it. I'm not to sure what the story is entirely about lol. What did Mamoru do? Please update soon.
recyclablefoxx chapter 3 . 3/31/2010
Sweets! A Sailor Moon story where the author actually knows Japan! 3 3 3 Thank you! The story itself is awesome and exciting! I am looking forwards to the next chapter 3 I just love culture shock! Mwahahaha 3 Keep up the great work :D
Requiem of Fire chapter 3 . 3/28/2010
Again, beautiful!

Please keep updating this. I love it!

I really liked the SerenaHarry interaction. Very funny.

Requiem of Fire chapter 2 . 2/25/2010
Oh, this is positively brilliant!

I think I have an idea what happened to the Shitennou's stones. Did he give them to Dumbledore, perhaps, before he went to fight Galaxia? Then again, I do not really know if Mamoru knew he would die in that fight... If not that, who would have taken them? Or known about them for that matter?

So many questions...

I'm thinking Dumbledore probably sent Harry after Usagi. Otherwise, I do not think he would know of her existence. This is just so wonderful!

I hope you update soon. This is fantastic.

I do not know if you plan on this having any romance in this or not, but if so, you have cleared the way for Usagi to commence a relationship with Harry without making Mamoru looking bad. I always get frustrated with those stories that make him seem horrible, but this makes him look like a savior.

Again, marvelous.

Update soon?

Danke sehr!

nxkris chapter 1 . 2/17/2010
great start, though how if usagi is dead will she be a main character. cant wait for more, update soon.
Requiem of Fire chapter 1 . 2/17/2010
I am excited to see this. I hope you update this soon! I love to see new HPSM crossovers, considering they are my favorite. I am going to update my story TODAY if possible. I'm trying so hard.

I am so happy to see my fic on your profile page! I feel so honored!

Anyway, good luck on this. If you need any help or someone to bounce ideas off of hit me up! When we progress to the first chapter I'll try to comment more on your actual fic. :]

Alycee Lanet chapter 1 . 2/16/2010
I like it!
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