Reviews for Baring My Scars
Allie chapter 32 . 5/9/2017
Don't usually like POV stories, but this one is really well done. Thank you.
MSerrada chapter 32 . 12/27/2015
When I want quality writing and need a Ziva fix, I frequently re-read this story. You do an amazing job with their characterization and how you handle the situation.
Definitely one of my favorites. Thank you!
Phaerre chapter 32 . 12/19/2015
Just re-read this for the nth time and it gets better every time! Thanks for sharing your creative gifts!
alexiana75 chapter 14 . 8/9/2015
Yay! Sugar with coffee!
Another perfect chapter
alexiana75 chapter 13 . 8/9/2015
wow! For a non-professional, you did an amazing job. Every single word was very true, psychologically true.
alexiana75 chapter 12 . 8/8/2015
Wonderfull chapter, the one before that, too, and the one before...I was too tired to write last night- that, and my bed lamp was off, for not giving the mosquitoes a large inviting sign
alexiana75 chapter 3 . 8/8/2015
wow! Tsunami, indeed! Oh, my, I just love that girl
And yes, so far your writing is very maure, with awesome insight, and very clear, and real. Psychologycally, clear
teachertraci chapter 32 . 6/27/2014
This was so heart-felt and eloquent that I read it twice. This is how the series should end.
Great work.
Sheryl chapter 32 . 5/20/2013
wow, truly an amazing story. Might even read it again now. loved the stargate references too by the way :-)
from a British fan (wales)
Catmint chapter 32 . 12/14/2012
This is an absolutely fantastic, heartwrenching story. You've handled a difficult subject brilliantly. You've written the panic attacks really accurately (trust me, I used to get them) and passing out can happen (happened to me multiple times). You've got the difficulties, pain, fear, anxiety, concern/worry...*everything* down really really well. It's tender, heartbreaking, brutal in some respects. Characterisation is brilliant. I was blown away by it. Fantastic. It's going in my Favourite Stories list.
Amilyn chapter 32 . 5/25/2012
I really enjoyed this. Nice work with Gibbs' restrictions, Tim's sense of guilt and responsibility, Ducky's warm support, Abby's exuberance and understanding, and Tony's steadiness. I really liked how you dealt with Ziva's fears, trauma, insecurities, and needs, including her need for closure, her need for support, her need for release, her need for packed a lot in very well.
Ebro chapter 5 . 4/19/2012
i actually watched that episode today!

so so good keep writing
dvd123 chapter 32 . 2/12/2012
Beautiful story!

There are so many lines I like, but since Chapter 32 is most recent (even though I just read all 32 chapters in one sitting. :P), I fricking love this line:

"You know I went through all my career with a set of rules that worked well for everyone, and then this Mossad agent stepped into the picture and for once I find myself making exception after exception for her. She looks at me with those eyes and I find myself getting soft, even sometimes against my better judgement."

It's so sweet! Makes Gibbs turn to a softie with Ziva, haha. I love the meaning of the keys that Ziva gave Tony and Gibbs. I like how you remember to write Ziva keeping her promise to Abby. With Abby being the first person Ziva would tell. HEHE.

And that is a lovely way for Gibbs to hand over the reins for Tony. I can actually see it on the show. And for sure, it would make for a lovey series finale! :D

Thanks for writing! I don't care much for sex scenes, and your story really did not need it. The little intimate actions are good enough, with hugs, and a little hand on the shoulder. :)
mon-petit-pois chapter 32 . 10/20/2011
Ok so I just reread this for approximately the third time, and I realized I never reviewed! How lousy am I? I feel bad:(

This is truly and amazing story! You're a wonderful author, and the plot flows beautifully:) truly a wonderful fic. Thank you so much for writing it:)
m chapter 32 . 10/13/2011
I loved ur story
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