Reviews for A New Method of Persuasion
Vetis1056 chapter 40 . 4/1
I'm so happy to see that this story has been updated. It has been one of my favorites for so long that I came back to Fanfiction just to reread it. I hope you plan to continue this story. it is a great one!
dimensionalmagic10134 chapter 40 . 3/13/2019
Coming across this fic was a surprise. I never thought about this pairing idea before reading this fic. I never thought I would like it but this fic stole the show. The possibilities of stories revolving interactions between these two are interesting. Hope you decide to write more on this rare ship since there aren't many fanfics while researching online. It's like a piece of rare candy not circulated in stores, rare, yet you crave for more stories.
creativesm75 chapter 40 . 7/10/2018
nice chapter
Firestorm2130 chapter 40 . 2/13/2018
I just want to start off by saying that I'm very to see this story being updated again. Happy to see that you've gotten back in the right mood to continue this story to the end.

Hmm... Gin cares, apparently, since he added the part to help mend broken bones to the antidote. Not surprised to read that he was in a bad mood when he had his arm in a cast and that it affected everyone else. Gin is very scary without even really trying after all.

Everything seems to be getting better for Kudou but at the same time, getting more complicated for him as well. He has so much to do since so many people got attached to Conan while he was being him. Now that he's back to the real him, he has to figure out what to say about Conan never appearing again, what to say about where he's been the whole time, and a multitude of other things to clean up as well.

And you're completely forgiven. Sebastian from Black Butler is the best. His statement in the manga is better than the one used in the anime I will agree with you there.

Looking forward to seeing more of this story soon! It's still excellently written despite the time you spent away from the story.
Firestorm2130 chapter 39 . 2/13/2018
I'm finding the interactions between Gin and Kudou more and more entertaining. I'm not really shocked either that Kudou doesn't really view his home as... well, as home. He doesn't spend that much time there and there isn't really anything to create that attachment to the place. As to what happens after Kudou is restored to his proper body and everything, I'm very curious to see what happens between him and Gin. Their different lives and such will make it difficult for either to fully keep to their part of the deal they made.

Vermouth... She didn't do what I think she did, did she? If so, how in the world did she get Gin to let her get away with that? He doesn't strike me as the type to appreciate someone interfering in his life. Kind of surprised that Kudou didn't want to know anything about that, but then again, thinking back to his jealousy over Gin's interaction with Akai, maybe it's not so surprising.

Well, I have to say that I actually think it's a good thing that Kudou told Mouri the truth. As to Ran... I'm not sure how he should handle that. Looking forward to reading how you deal with that issue though.
Firestorm2130 chapter 38 . 2/13/2018
Hahaha. That's hilarious, the thought of the CIA and others going to Shinichi to try to control Gin. I don't think that anyone could ever control him even slightly. Still, just imagining the CIA calling Kudou about Gin is hilarious. The best part of this chapter, in my opinion. Akai... please don't cause more problems than what already exist for poor Kudou.

Araide sensei seems to be handling the whole situation and his knowledge fairly well so far. Hopefully, it isn't stressing him too much. And Kid. Why, oh why, did he decide to dress up as Gin? He should know that that wouldn't go well as soon as the blonde finds out about it. Ah well. Makes the chapter more fun to read.
Firestorm2130 chapter 37 . 2/13/2018
I feel... slightly behind in reading this story. Just noticed I haven't really read past chapter 36 since... a while ago actually.

I'm kind of surprised at Mouri but then again I suppose I shouldn't be. Talking to Mouri about the drug that's supposed to turn him back to normal... I can imagine that that must be awkward and difficult. Especially since he can't just tell Mouri the full truth either. I applaud him for how he managed to handle it, anyway.

And Hattori... trying to lie to a couple of detectives... As a detective, he should be very aware of how stupid that was. And how is he still slipping when he talks to Conan, almost addressing him with his real name? Shouldn't he be used to it by now? Well, I suppose that it does make it interesting, watching him cover his slips.

The talk between Gin and Haibara was revealing. I have to admit that her assessment of how the relationship between Shinichi and Gin would go sounds about accurate. I really hope it works out a lot better than that though.

Looking forward to seeing this story through to the end.
domestic fanperson chapter 39 . 2/7/2018
Welcome back!
Thank you for your hard work for completing those chapters

But anyway, it's Miyano Shiho. Except you decide to change her surname
Riddle-Snape chapter 40 . 2/6/2018
Wohooo new chap... Great, tho i wonder what now hm... Hope you will update soon
yukino76 chapter 40 . 2/6/2018
good update
Kat-Sakura chapter 40 . 2/6/2018
Kya! Thank you for the update. What will shinichi do now? Maybe Home school or like distance education? Please update soon!
creativesm75 chapter 39 . 12/26/2017
Astrido chapter 39 . 12/11/2017
hm.. mouri sounds more reasonable than i imagine him, but the story idea is great.
i'd like it very much though, if you could have your beta read the first 10 chapters. i was close to giving up a few times...
hattori is really a bit stupid, to call conan Kudo all the time :)
and i like gin, i think you write him quite well.
Tears Parallel chapter 39 . 10/3/2017
Great to see you back! I personally like the more serious note especially since it feels like an appropriate conclusion for “Conan” and a new beginning for “Shinichi”. I’d love to see his reaction when he finds out that Gin was with a woman to calm down (perhaps a cold anger?) but perhaps I’m just sadistic that way haha.

The ending line about protecting Ran as always really hit me in the heart. Prayers they all get their happy endings no matter how bittersweet the road to it is.

Thank you and look forward to the next! But, as always take care of your health and worry about your own life first :)
Sora Rider X chapter 39 . 9/12/2017
Its okey it was GREAT am soo happy you updated again i really cant wait for more ;)
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