Reviews for A Father's Pride
Guest chapter 5 . 3/18
Madi chapter 5 . 7/30/2013
Please continue
Lavender Angel-96 chapter 5 . 8/9/2011
Well, I have an idea for your story, but it requires for one person to not be dead aand that's Tali David; Ziva and Ari's little sister. Ziva's in the hospital and the Deputy Director David is coming to America for Ari and Ziva, but then Director David and he tells Tali that he'll be back. So, then Tali gets her fathers phone to see who he last talked to and called them and asked what's going on and it was Gibbs and he told Tali what's going on. And then Tali decided to come with her and so her father had no choice, but to bring her too. So, when they get there Tali goes to the hospital to see Ziva and she gets Ziva out of the hospital using Ziva trick by threatning the neruses and doctors to take her out and they let Ziva leave early. Then they go to NCIS HQ with Ziva driving and when they go up in the elevators the go to the pullpen they go to Gibbs' team pen and Tony, Kate and McGee are shocked because Tali and Ziva look alike and then Tony asks Ziva " How'd you get out of the hospital" ,"whose the girl" and "Are you two related?" Ziva says, "I got out thanks to Officier David, the girl is Tali and she's my little sister. Then Tony asks Tali how she got the neruses and doctors to let Ziva out. Tali says," Well, it wasn't hard I just used the trick of Threatning to kill the and told they we were mossad to make them get her out which is the trick Ziva uses every time she has to say at the hospital for 24 hours or , it seemed as if she already threated them because they said not again and got scared she said while looking at Ziva.
Tigerlily02 chapter 4 . 6/3/2011
Come on, you can't leave it there, you have to continue! I love this story, it's so gooooooood ! :D
Georgiaemz chapter 5 . 4/16/2011
OMG plleeaassee continue it is reaallyy good cnt wait to see how ziva saves the NCIS team
rebelmagnus chapter 5 . 11/3/2010
Is there more? Great Story!
Jose chapter 5 . 3/24/2010
I'd like to see what the team says about Jenny's and Ziva's friendship with each other.

Always good fun to read stories about how Ziva saves Jenny.

Great story - keep up the excellent writing.

I'm really hoping you update soon.
Moon FireStar chapter 5 . 3/13/2010
warrants some reviews? m let me think ;) yeah ya do I'm lovin it! and Iam breathlessly waitin to find out what you have in store for us next:D
AlenaMai chapter 5 . 3/8/2010
i think we are all guilty for making characters die, then make them come alive again just to get more reviews.

great story

update soon
Betherzz chapter 5 . 3/8/2010
well ari & daddy david need to be dealt with... both are assmonkey idiots with the desire to kill everyone they are related to... screw the both of them, send dinozzo back to ziva... cant wait to see what happens next
rubiesandrain chapter 5 . 3/8/2010
Hm...a family affair. UPDATE SOON! I love it! :)
princesskag03 chapter 5 . 3/8/2010
i really liked it, continue :)
jacksrevenge chapter 5 . 3/8/2010
oh my gosh, yeah, that warrants some more reviews! i thought that was a great chapter. i'm really loving the interaction between Tony and Ziva and i'm veryveryvery much looking forward to more. i'm also really interested to see how the actual story plays out - like, if they'll catch Ari before he does something else or not. i can't wait for the next chapter, and as always, i will faithfully review. :]
stevielicous chapter 5 . 3/8/2010
yay its a miracle she alive lol :D
Liraeyn chapter 5 . 3/8/2010
I know what you mean- I leave cliffhanger endings all of the time. People say I'm horrible, which is actually kind of a compliment. Weird, no?
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