Reviews for Let Me Be Myself
Shayne chapter 7 . 9/7/2019
I don't know how many times I come back and read this fic and review it by chapter 7. It's my favorite from all the Kaname and Sousuke fanfics I've read through the years. And I'm still hopeful one day that you will update and finish it. I look forward to it Dear FeistyDreans. Thanks for making this little treasure in the internet.
Shayneiski chapter 7 . 4/18/2018
For the love of God and all things holy please update this fic! I don't know how many times I've reread this and I am still impressed everytime. How you were able to shape Kaname and Sousuke to retain their core personalities astounds me. Please please let me know once you've updated this. This is my email address. . I hope to receive an email from you soon, advising me there's an update. That would be the best gift ever. Mwah! XOXO
Shayne chapter 7 . 4/26/2017
Please tag me when you update this! I'm so in love with your story. I'm not gonna be able to move on with my life If you don't finish the story hahaha. You're a great story teller. This is my email address . Hope you update soon! More power to you and take care!
chouko chapter 7 . 8/30/2014
thanks for making this, giving different placement of the story! kind of addicting that things settle in this kind of way, hope you update this soon
Gh0StWr1teR1 chapter 7 . 1/21/2014
Thankyou again! The excess amount of exclamation marks displays the excitement I have in anticipation of the next instalments! I can't wait, Thankyou so much... again. I'm actually just as excited to know what happens in your story as I am for the last chapter of Sigma!
Gh0StWr1teR1 chapter 1 . 1/21/2014
Thankyou so much for creating this fan fiction! It is amazing, stories like these help fuel my unhealthy obsession of full metal panic.
zuzupeng chapter 7 . 1/2/2014
I want to start off by saying that i take my hat off to you. You have amazing writing skills. Im big on "staying in character" and i can honestly say that you did a wonderful job. The plot is amazing and the characterization is amazing. It's been a while since ive read something this well thought out and written. So i definitely give you kudos. Wonderful job. Mad at myself for just now finding this story but nonetheless thank you for making it :) i am definitely a new fan. Once again great job and i really cant express that enough. Extremely impressed. So far 5/5 stars. Cant wait for the next.
Predalon chapter 7 . 12/14/2013
Nice chapter, I can not wait to read more
Atradis chapter 7 . 12/3/2013
So I as I was reading this story I felt all too familiar and the reason is cause I've read it before and never followed it! Loved it the first time I read it and still love it now.
HikariNiwa chapter 7 . 11/2/2013
Just discovered this fic. Really great work you've done. Looking forward to future chapters!
ZeroRose90 chapter 7 . 9/28/2013
Hi there! Brilliant story, bt I hope Kaname escapes with Sousuke soon. Plz update soon!
Thx again 4 the hard work
VBloodmoon4 chapter 7 . 4/3/2013
This is wonderful! I can't wait until the next chapter! I've been looking for a good FMP story and definitely found one!
AngelofMist chapter 7 . 3/2/2013
Oh my God thank you so much for FINALLY updating. I had to re-read to remember why I liked this story so much. But my GOD that is such a sad way to lose it :( Ugh I know Sousuke's genuine and all but God...ugh. And me being a virgin myself, that scene last chapter with the exam wasn't weird or extreme or exxagerated it all. I've absolutely refused to have it done even though my doctor's believe I just refuse to admit any sexual activity to my mother even though that isn't the case. It's terrifying, a little like rape. Just saying it was well written. Ugh that last scene really ruined my night :( At least he's better than Leonard. Man. :(
Artemisa12 chapter 7 . 2/25/2013
OMG they did it. Poor chidori with all the abuse she is suffering because of those people. I don't expect sousuke to walk out of that highly secure facility like it was nothing, but he must be starting to plan something to help her escape from there, right? I hope, though I guess he still has a lot of things to come to term with before he decides to betray his employee. Update soon please.
Gespenster Jager chapter 7 . 2/5/2013
I cannot state how happy I am to see you back at writing this fic. Though limited in scope in comparison to many of the fics I come across you set yourself clearly for an emotional, evocative fic. This fic has always stood out to me as one of the most emotionally charged when dealing with characters out there in fan fiction period. Personally, I would think one may be hard pressed to find another author whom does it as well as.

This fic is one I held on to for good reasons. The plot is sound, the characters are ones I've always loved and cringe at the emotional hula hoops you put them through. I would massively enjoy seeing the ending of this fic and wish you the best of luck on the finishing arc.

It is truly a happy day when one of the Authors I enjoy so much comes back from a hiatus
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