Reviews for Three Long Days
Cheerleader21 chapter 2 . 9/13/2013
Yea! Return of some all time favorite characters. I do have to say, the Noki woman is hilarious. It's nice to have someone like that in a story that is serious and intense.

I love Kooper and Bombette! Until now, I never really thought of them as being in a relationship, but after that scene I can't think of them differently. Although seriously where does she wear her engagement ring?

I also kind of wonder why all the doors are unlocked and you can just walk into them. That would suck! Thanks though for the introduction to everybody.

I really would like to know what poor and unfortunate soul missed the train. I think he will eventually be brought up.

I predict Pennington is the mysterious stranger and the person who missed the train has something to do with whatever situation they're going to get into.
Cheerleader21 chapter 1 . 9/13/2013
Good start to the story. Am looking forward to future chapters to see how the ride to Poshley Heights goes. That trip always tends to be eventful doesn't it. And I had no idea that Peach or Mario or Luigi ever took vacations, but maybe Bowser is tired of kidnapping Peach. Who knows?

I love the foreshadowing at the end and the ominous and foreboding mood.

And poor Luigi! It sucks being so seasick, but the comedy was nice.
LeonPianta chapter 5 . 6/24/2011
Peach has a lot of sadness inside. While normally I would glomp her so hard she tries to flee to the hills that are alive with the sound of music , this just makes me a wee bit suspicious of her. She could easily be the one giving people the gift of death.

Champ 15 chapter 5 . 6/23/2011
Hey! You're starting to update stories again, which is great. The last 2 chapters were kind of short, but they were good. Especially the Flashback chapter, which I found reallly sad.

The Hostage-Holder... I don't know, but it's probably for a good reason (For them at least)

Good Job!
ChrisMSMB chapter 4 . 6/21/2011
I'm just happy this story FINALLY got updated! :D

Although, I have to read the story again to figure what happened and everything. Which of course, I don't care if I have to. :P
kyosplosion chapter 3 . 5/8/2011
Favorite part, right in this chapter. Spoiled cheese FTW!

Also... I miss you. I don't know about anybody else (since I'm not them, obviously), but you were a great person. It feels kind of empty around without you. :(

At the very least, can you tell me how long you plan on being away? And why you left? I never really got the full story...

Or if you want to delete this review, that's OK, too... Just wanted to let you know.
justmegaman chapter 3 . 7/9/2010
Hmm...I'm suspecting Toadsworth. It may be too obvious, but he did some odd things in this chapter. I also think that Doopliss could slip under everyone's noses and do something dastardly.

Who is this mysterious visitor? Will Pennington be more annoying? DID THE BUTLER DO IT? I can't wait to find out!
justmegaman chapter 2 . 7/9/2010
Good chapter, my hammer! XD

JK. This chapter was hilarious! Some nice introductions for the characters...Kooper and Bombette? Odd, but it works! Great job!
justmegaman chapter 1 . 7/9/2010
Hmm...interesting. Who was it who missed the train? I wonder who else is there? I can tell it'll be good already!
ChrisMSMB chapter 3 . 7/5/2010
This story is just so awesome Smart One; I just want to read this over and over and over again. Yep, it is that good!
LeonPianta chapter 3 . 6/18/2010
Wow... LOL this is a very interesting chapter

I especially love Toadette's commentary on Peach's dresses. "And this one says 'What the heck is the difference between these dresses?'"

Expecting your next chapter soon, not to rush you, I know you have to work on your TAR, you dirty green plumber.
Child at Heart Forever chapter 3 . 4/18/2010
"It's like the L on my cap stands for 'loser' or something."

Reminded me of that one story (like some other reviewer did) and I smiled. But no, THIS is what I'm focuing on.

Bizzare, random, and had several different events happening. Sweet! Luigi was definitely the best in this chapter, in my opinion. Ah, what he'd do for Daisy...

Now I'm looking forward to seeing what's going to happen next! Take your time, though- no point in rushing, especially when you have no time to anyway. Learned that the hard way...
Child at Heart Forever chapter 2 . 4/18/2010
Mysterious guy is Kolorado. XD I can just feel it...well no. Pennington more likely, which would be awesome!

And you like Kooper and Bombette too? Cool!

All right, official review. I was just browsing the Mario section, saw you updated, and decided to check it out. Definitely worth a read! I like stories with the partners- and Hamma, Bamma, and Flare were a nice touch too.
Champ 15 chapter 3 . 4/18/2010
I agree. This was a bizzare chapter. And it was funny. My favorite lines:

Bombette spoke up. "Well, SOMEONE entered the car at Sonic speed, and tripped over me and stole my engagement ring!"

"WHAT? You HAVE that right on your braid!" the Noki exclaimed.



That was funny. Also, you know the poll about who you want to see in Survivor: Fans vs. Favs. Who won? I thought you said that you would post that in your next update on your profile.

(That was off topic sorry about that)

Anyway, great chapter. Update soon.

Champ 15
TheWimpzilla chapter 3 . 4/17/2010
Well clearly Luigi is going to snap from the constant state of being... Luigi. And then he'll completely lose his mind and take it out on everyone in an overly-aggressive fashion, waving a gun that was mysteriously planted in his travel luggage. But then he'll even mess that up when the hostages revolt and throw Luigi off the train. Strait up, literally throw him out the window as the train races across a tall bridge, sending the mad plumber falling 200 feet into a ravine never to be seen again-

Or not. I just voted him because he was there, and because I'm like, almost 4% sure my scenario's going to play out. But, the who ever is going to cause the hostage to happen needs some sort of motivation. Who would gain by taking the passengers hostage? I don't have any idea at the moment. *shrugs* So I'll just have to wait until this "next epic chapter" of yours.

Aw, don't tell my the humor's going away! That's why this story is so awesome, you've got quite a funny bone in you mister. But if the drama is as good as the laughs, then I'm game for whatever you're planning.

*GASP* The way that last paragraph was phrased... Did Pennington get stabbed the back? LITERALLY! Who is Pennington searching for anyways? Is he staging the hostage take-over? Such mystery, such suspense! The next chapter cannot come soon enough!

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