Reviews for Leave Not A Trace
sasunaru13 chapter 1 . 5/13/2015
My God this is just so hot and full of tension...yummy
Alistine chapter 1 . 9/5/2011
Oh, my heart skipped a beat there. Dear god, that was so intense. Fucking hot, and brilliantly written. Amazing.
TropicanaLemonadeOnASunnyDay chapter 1 . 2/23/2011 this...and seeing as I have no skills, I have no criticism to offer...I feel so useless in writing this, but I really loved this...
Brynja Bloodmire chapter 1 . 11/30/2010
Another amazing story. I had to laugh when I found out Russia left the safety on.
Rainbow Smite chapter 1 . 8/22/2010
Gun sex and bottom!Russia. Has there ever been a more beautiful thing in the entire world? I don't think so. Instant favorite. Well written and sextastic.
SexySpectrum chapter 1 . 3/31/2010

Okay, i'll be short. I'm Swiss, so... I really would have loved to write a review like " Abreaction", because she's totally right. In all the fucking ways.

ARGH. I'm in love with this! D

Anyway... Wow. I'm just speechless, and it doesn't help my already poor english ;D


Just gonna re-read it.

Salut! And congratulation!
Abreaction chapter 1 . 3/13/2010
I don't think you'll ever be capable of fully appreciating just how much time it took me to find the appropriate way to begin this review.

Honestly, you've left me speechless.

Typically, I remain unimpressed by the majority of Hetalia fanfiction- particularly Cold War fics, which usually consist of generic situations such as: Love blossoming between the participating nations, and typically end with Russia accidentally killing America (or vice versa) and crying over it. No. Those do not sit well with me. It takes a certain kind of psychological story laden with symbolism, eloquence, and flawless descriptions to catch my critical eye. And (forgive me for tarnishing the English language by starting off a sentence with an "and") damn, girl, you fucking nailed this.

(I sound very pretentious, sorry.)

Since this review is going to turn out long anyway, let me at least grant you some insight to how I stumbled upon this amazing piece before I delve into the endless slew of compliments:

My sister, an even harsher (critic) than I, recommended this story to me one late night, claiming it to be the "Only good Hetalia fanfiction [she] has ever read." Interest piqued, we searched up this story together. I sat juxtaposed to her for the three minutes that it took me to read this masterpiece, but, by the final line, I was on the floor spewing useless garble (i.e. oral keyboard smashing) in an attempt to find the pieces of my mind that you had BLOWN AWAY with this gold. From that school night on, I have religiously reread this story daily.

More back-story:

I am a major Russia/Lithuania supporter (no, not requited or even with the semblance of love; however, I will spare you from being subjected to my ranting on my views of that pairing, thank you), but this... this work of art (finding synonyms for "masterpiece" to depict this story is difficult) made me view Cold War relations in an entirely different way- as well as molding me into a "Cold War Pairing" fan.

Now, for the moment you've been waiting for, the compliments: (Excuse my terse manner)

You forged the flawless mindsets of Russia and America so perfectly, that I could literally see this happening on the couch juxtaposed to be, haha (my crude attempt at joking). Your descriptions were not forced in the very least, and gave the story substance and life behind each word. Your diction was absolutely perfect- your eloquence gave me the proverbial "chills down my spine" at a few instances. The dialogue, though brief, was excellent and necessary. The final line was just… oh god, it was fucking brilliant, woman. FUCKING BRILLIANT. It closed the story effortlessly, and tied in the many themes running through this short piece. I am not a fan of smut in the very least (it's nauseating to me, in all honesty), so your euphemisms for "sex" as opposed to openly addressing it were very appealing to me. I could almost tangibly feel the vermiculated hatred between Russia and America here, which is exactly what it was in the Cold War- you nailed this. You NAILED this. You've stunned and impressed me into a realm of speechlessness, which is nearly an impossible task for one who loves to hear herself talk as I do, haha.

When I saw that this lacked the amount of reviews it so rightfully deserves, I was outraged, actually. This is an introspective and perfect masterpiece, and its talented author deserves a long and detailed review. So, I delivered. :)

This story has to be the best one I have ever read on this site. Honestly? This fanficiton is the best one I have ever had the utmost pleasure of enjoying. Your style is brilliant- descriptive without being over-the-top. The reader is granted access into the minds of your characters, but it's through a fogged lens; I could grasp at what the characters were thinking, but not all was revealed.

To top this all off, you're my age, which makes this all the sweeter.

Now, to end this off on a generic note: Keep writing. You have natural, unadulterated talent. You can only improve from here on out; I'm looking forward to being decadent with reading the rest of your stories.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for writing this.
Halan Lore chapter 1 . 2/16/2010
talk about kid gloves versus kid gloves...
akira-chan1 chapter 1 . 2/12/2010
Beautifuly and wonderfully writen! Just everything about it is exquisite, and-gah! I can't even begin to describe it.
Udyjay chapter 1 . 2/2/2010
F. This was sexy. Loved the characterisation.
I also loved that it was AmericaRussia, and not RussiaAmerica. my otp.
Deleted Account 810 chapter 1 . 2/2/2010
Fecking hot. My gods. Thank you. Instafave.