Reviews for A Brutal Teacher
creativesm75 chapter 35 . 10/21/2017
krimsondelamber chapter 35 . 5/7/2016
I'm sorry it's taken me so long to finish reading this story. I have been saving it for a "rainy day". I started again from the beginning and read the whole thing. Thank you so much for sharing this story with me. It's my favorite FF story. I loved every bit of it, especially the way you worked through the characters' redemption. Redemption is a favorite theme for me, loving fictional bad boys and wanting to see them find the good in themselves. The epilogue was especially nice. I'll be going now to see if you have any other remnants stories in your library. I'm not too interested in reading FF stories that aren't centered around Yazoo or Reno, but I'll be reading anything you have featured one of them. Thanks again.
Hinatinha chapter 35 . 9/29/2015
I can not believe this fic existe. Thank you so much. You make my day happy...
still-going-up chapter 35 . 7/21/2015
Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous. I can't even describe in words how wonderful adding this has been. You added layers to their characters so well that I will never look at them the same way again. Of course, I also have to thank you for the tears, heart attacks, and aneurysms you gave me. After all, the story wouldn't have been the same without them. I have no idea how, but you redeemed all the silver brothers beautifully, and these last two chapters might have been read with terrible difficulty because I was half-blind with tears the entire time.
Also, I can't help notice that Loz is the older one this time around. XD The addition of Marlene was fantastic, and now I'm very glad you added that interlude even though at the time, I was still panicking over what would happen to Yazoo, Loz, and Seph.
I'm so glad Yazoo kept his bad eye. And Seph. Eyepatches are hot. :D
And don't even get me started on the Yazoo/Mama Strife conversation and the bed snuggling afterwards because I had been in too many happy sobs to even remember much of it.
The boys have a much bigger family now. Both in life and waiting for them.
You have created a masterpiece, and I can't thank you enough for letting me read such a beautiful piece. If you'll excuse me, I think I need to do a little more crying and pillow snuggling before this awed feeling in my chest dampers down to a bearable level.
I absolutely adore this story.
qwerty chapter 6 . 5/20/2015
crying harder
qwerty chapter 5 . 5/20/2015
it is 2:30am and you just made me cry. thank you
JaybirdnCrew chapter 35 . 1/11/2015
I loved this story to bits and I am amazed at how little reviews/favs/follows this story has. One of the best ff7 stories I've ever read for sure, and completed no less! Thank you so, so, very much for writing this :) loved it.
natani107 chapter 1 . 12/28/2014
OMG I absolutely love this story ! I've read another story of yours 'ugly truth' and I like it no less than I like this one...yeah ! But 'ugly truth' still not finish, right ? I'm very look forward to reading the next chapter cuz it just SO GOOD!
Gura Kruor chapter 3 . 8/9/2014
Maybe is for the language barrier but, does "splayed and used" means that Yazoo was... raped? When the hand went down in chapter one I tought so but didn't wanted to believe so D:
Viva-taquitos chapter 35 . 7/22/2014
I can't tell you how much I enjoyed this story. I couldn't read it fast enough! When I read it at night, I needed to force myself to go to sleep.
As the story progressed, your writing also progressed. It's evident that as these characters went on their journey, you also grew as a writer.
By reading your profile, I can see you have a ton of projects you're in the myst of! However, if you ever can, I would recommend taking the time to go through this and make it better. It's already good, and I think with a little re-editing it would be even more amazing!
Throughout the story, I especially liked your depiction of the characters. Your SHM seemed quite fitting with their canon characters. But holy crap, the transition the boys made…that kind of emotional journey shows your talent as a writer. I loved reading how Yazoo and Loz came into their own (I feel like those two don't get enough love, either, so I appreciated that too). Heck, I even loved your interpretation of why they existed.
A story hasn't excited me this much in years - literally, years! Bravo to you and best of luck with your novels and other projects!
Viva-taquitos chapter 2 . 7/8/2014
This is an interesting story. I'm intrigued.
I know you wrote this a while ago, but if you're ever up for editing it, know that you tend to write run-on sentences. So much is going on, and sometimes less is more! :)
Viva-taquitos chapter 1 . 7/8/2014
I only started reading this now!
I'm enjoying how to write the three brothers. You capture their personalities accurately!
I'm curious to know if this takes place only in the afterlife or if we'll see them come back. Guess I'll just have to read!
A shade of grey91 chapter 35 . 6/20/2014
...This was amazing, over the years of following this I really feel like a journey is being set to rest here. A lot has changed in my life so the nostalgia of those years back ( finding this story for the first time, eagerly awaiting updates, and having my first conversation with YOU! X3 ) is sort of welling up at reading this. My opinion for final fantasy has drastically changed, maybe I even moved on a little but this story will ALWAYS be one of the best things that have ever happened in my experience on this site. Thank you Boomchick, not only for the story but for all the memories!
bloodrippedcupcake chapter 35 . 6/1/2014
Oh my god, you would not believe how much I loved this story! It was so intense from beginning to end and I relished every moment of it. This was my first fanfic that i read in which the main characters were the background characters. What intrigued me was that i never knew what happened to the remnants and i loved that someone would come forth to create a piece that would give us their side of the story after the "happy ever after" in the movie. I never knew i was gonna get so hooked on it. It was well-written, it had plot, character development, cliffhangers, jaw-dropping plot twists, and the characters were actually IN character. I honestly couldn't have asked for a better story that involved most of the characters. I also couldn't have asked a much more beautiful, hopeful, and satisfying ending to compensate for the all the torment the trio went through. I hope that in this little universe you created for them, that their new family loves them and they can experience all the love they were deprived of in their first life. IDK why im getting so emotional, but have a beautiful life, may you experience the love and tenderness that you deserve and may you be successful in life and never give up in you dreams in this hectic world we live in! Bye, & i hope to see more from you! :D
KorNaXon chapter 35 . 5/18/2014
’m glad you came up with an epilogue, and I have to tell you that an eyepatch does good to Sephiroth’s design! This chapter doesn’t lack lots of fitting things beside the mentioned ones. Just the very simple thing Yazoo looking at Cloud’s photo makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. And he has indeed feline nature.
But if you name Kadaj Kenneth, then don’t change it back to Kadaj with the second mug of cocoa. :D
The little company in the lifestream has now their reality show, a true “Big Brother is watching you”.
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