Reviews for Data Not Available
Cyceri Ehkbre chapter 1 . 9/15/2014
Oh my god, that last line. "Because no Geth knows of 'love'." That is so depressing! Geth have never been loved, only hated. Now I want to cry :'(
SeverMariaBlack chapter 1 . 1/28/2011
How cute, I love legion he is one of my favorite so this story was great to read ) very well done
Word-Stranger chapter 1 . 9/11/2010
An interesting story between FemShepard and Legion. I might do a oneshot for these two as well...
Nightflyer chapter 1 . 7/9/2010
There are some things I noted witch are not Legion-like and also some things I believe are said differntly in-game

'Why did you come to see me?'

-Wouldn't it be 'Why did you come to see us?'?

since Legion is not one, but many.

'Uh,' she rubs the back of her neck, 'tell me about...well, what's it like being a machine?'

-As Legion explained a few times in-game, Geth are software

not hardware. So Legion isn't really a robot, but a set of programs.(He actually says how many, but I don't remember the number now). So he(or they) would actually explain what it's like to be software or programms.

'I am not one machine; my name is Legion, for we are many.'

-Again, it would be programm instead of machine and our intead of my.

'On a basic level, yes. But this is not the emotion you humans understand; this emotion is only understandable through Geth. On a very basic level, Geth can convey an electrical frequency that you humans perceive as 'emotion'. Through the sharing of data, this allows us to understand if the other is angry or sad. But, these emotions are far different from human emotions.'

-I'm really not sure about that one, but I think I remember Legion saying something that made the existance of emotion highly unlikely. Besides, emotion is an reation to something experienced. Since Geth trade data between each other, they are sharing their experiences. So if one Geth experiences something that would sadden an organic being, and shares the information of this experience, every geth would go through a phase of sadness. As Legion would say, this would be highly inefficient.

What? Is this some machine error?

-would be a more like a software od programm error

'I am sorry Shepard Commander, but that data is not available.'

'I simply do not have this data.'

-again, Legion would say 'we'

Your story was interesting to read, too bad you can't ask Legion questions like that in-game.

And thoose eyebrows are weird indeed. Never really noticed them until I read this.

Best Regards,

Madeline118 chapter 1 . 6/25/2010
"Because no Geth knows of 'love'. This data is not available."

Saddest thing ever :C Poor little Legion.
skywalker05 chapter 1 . 4/18/2010
I think this was worth reading simply for the lol-worthy line "If you have eyebrows, Legion, then you have emotion.'" Haha but besides that, it's pretty interesting, and the ending paints a stark picture of the loveness geth (whether they'd consider it stark or not.)
JovianJeff chapter 1 . 4/15/2010
That was absolutely fantastic! I loved how it all built up to such a OMG kind of ending. Where the words hit you to not just read, but stop and let their meaning stare back at you. I loved the effect, and the story that lead up to it. Thank you -very- much for this one-shot.
IulianusFluva chapter 1 . 3/1/2010
I was very curious to see how you would manage to pull this off, but you managed to carry it out almost flawlessly. Your creative writing is superb and you managed to not only emulate a character which is made the opposite of our own nature- but to successfully elaborate on their reactions.

'Data not available.'

'I'm sorry Shepard-Commander, but the data is not available.'

'I simply do not have this data.'

Ingenious, I say...

Being emotional organisms, we can't familiarize ourselves with machines that, not only don't have such a complex property, but deliberately shun having such capacity in exchange for cold efficiency- but, as I said before, you seem to have done that smoothly enough to thoroughly convince your readers. Bravo.
quicksilver2402004 chapter 1 . 2/1/2010
Daw. Nice job.
arlathahn chapter 1 . 1/29/2010
Very unique story idea...honestly I wasn't sure how this would play out. Haha. But you managed to make it work - just subtle enough to make you wonder...

You are indeed a very good author. :)
Lokzli chapter 1 . 1/29/2010
haha, eyebrows. Good btw, simple, easy to read, fun.