Reviews for Pulse
Anushka Somavanshi chapter 17 . 2/19/2018
I love everything about this! Please please update!
YoursAnonymous chapter 2 . 10/6/2016
Oh. My. Goodness, Christine is SO adorable! So is Erik - I love his reaction over the gossip column. Nice work!
Amber chapter 17 . 6/20/2016
Please continue this story. I'm hooked!
Phantome chapter 17 . 8/11/2015
I enjoyed this story:) im sad to see it hasnt been very active lately but i can totally understand. Congrats on your story! It was fantastic:)
Angelofmusic46 chapter 15 . 8/10/2015
Did NOT expect that! But then again, no body expected the Spanish Inquisition.
Angelofmusic46 chapter 10 . 8/10/2015
ERMAGAWSH SHIPPING! Stupid reporters.
Angelofmusic46 chapter 4 . 8/10/2015
Sometimes when it is very dark and no one is around, I will ship Erik and Nardir. And I'm already shipping Christerik.
Guest chapter 17 . 5/17/2015
walnut27 chapter 17 . 2/22/2015
This story just makes me smile, I'm not going to lie. I just love it, it's so sweet and just perfect. Please update soon. Pretty please with a cherry on top?
SherlockCumberbatch chapter 17 . 9/25/2014
Phan3145 chapter 17 . 9/1/2014
Yes! You finally updated! Slightly short chapter but there was progress in it so that more then well makes up for it. That was rather rude of Nadir and Madame Giry but at least they accepted it in the end. Go Christine! Way to stand up for yourself! Please update again soon! 8D
Erik'sTrueAngel chapter 17 . 9/1/2014
Yay an update! And I'm glad that Giry and Nadir realized their mistake and that Erik and Christine are perfect for each other. Update soon please!
PhantomWriter44 chapter 17 . 8/31/2014
That was an amazing 17 chapter! All of them were very well written! I wish I had written a review for each chapter, but I was just to absord in the story to review. (I'm reading on an Ipod) At first, I thought I'd be just reading American Idol but as a POTO fanfic. But then the story drew me in. Meg and Christine's friendship dilema was nicely done and realistic. I'm glad they're friends again. (For a moment there, I thought Meg might try and sabatoge her.) I loved the part where Nadir and Madame Giry walked in on them kissing. I bet they're the ones who are going to be biased now! Hope you write more and I can't wait till your next chapter!
Guest chapter 17 . 8/30/2014
WOO HOO, NEW CHAPTER! This is really good and I hope you're updating more often now :) I LOVE this story!
Guest chapter 17 . 8/30/2014
Well said Christine. True love is not something to bet on
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