Reviews for TGIF
Karli1252 chapter 7 . 5/20/2017
Wow this saw great! I'm definitely looking forward to the sequel!
unilocular chapter 7 . 8/22/2015
Omg, I loved this story. It read better than the novel I'm reading. Your character was great and I loved her voice. The interactions from the team were awesome. Thank you so much for writing and shsring this!
smithknk1 chapter 7 . 8/16/2015
Thoroughly enjoyed this story and your OC! She is delightful and totally believable! Looking forward to the next episode!
VG LittleBear chapter 7 . 2/9/2015
Hi, I'm in love with the bookshop you described, my personal definition of heaven! At first I was a bit reluctant to read a story in first person style, but as soon as the familiar NCIS ensemble turned up, I was hooked. The whodunnit intrigue so well done, I rounded up the usual suspects (I know my Casablanca, too). Off to read more!
Thanks and cheers!
astrafiammante chapter 7 . 7/2/2012
I thoroughly enjoy your writing and am looking forward to reading the rest of your stories.

USAFChief chapter 7 . 11/11/2011
I envy your ability to write in first person. You did a phenomenal job with this story. The case was plotted out very well and there were no holes in it that I could see. Although I have to say that I usually take things pretty much at face value when reading - thinking that if the author wants me to know something he (she) would tell me outright. You paint very vivid pictures with your words. Case in point: Cassandra's total chagrin with Ev's declaration of love.

Your dialog is very tight. Each character's voice is perfect. I'd have liked a little more interaction with Ziva, but I am sincerely pleased with all the characters, both canon, and those of your creation.

I would love to spend time in Cassandra's book store - even the back room where the boxes are covered in layers of dust. In my mind's eye I can see that Jethro is going to build new book shelves, Abby's friends are going to wire or rewire the whole place, Tim will help her design/create an electronic section that will rival the NSA satellite system and Tony will feed them all with pizza. Then Ziva will teach the entire staff krav magna.

Oh, my. You are a marvelous story teller and I enjoyed this initial story of your completely. If you have deleted something that has not been reposted, please put it back up as quickly as possible because I do not want to miss anything you write about NCIS.

Once again, thank you very much for posting this where I could read it.

All the best.

USAFChief chapter 2 . 11/11/2011
I have only read the first two chapters of this wonderful piece of yours and I'm enthralled. I am so very, very glad I found it. I shall do a much more detailed review when I finish this, but I just had to tell you how much I like what you have written.

Thank you for posting it.

8RAAqosj30yQ chapter 7 . 6/29/2010
Oh, wow. I have to get that out first. Now, onto the actual review.

The fact that you only have one review for this story is an indication of the lack of love for Ducky, not for your quite excellent story.

First, your OC is - amusing, sarcastic and quite believable. You pull the first person off with aplomb, and your characterizations of the NCIS characters is flawless. Second, your prose has quite a unique style to it, your English and grammar is not marred by typos or ridiculous spelling mistakes. Third, your plotline is more than believable, it is quite realistic.

I enjoyed very much the definitions at the beginnings of your chapters as well as the book information (if one may call it that) buried in your writing. It begs the question, do you own a book store, or are you simply a bibliophile?

This is my second or third read through of your marvelous story, and I shan't hesitate to say that it probably won't be my last. I know that I've found quite a gem in this piece and the sequel OLIM and I want to thank you for writing such an exquisite piece.

It is very well done, and I enjoyed it immensely.

Thank you very much.

PACTNMMT chapter 7 . 2/22/2010
I am surprised that there have been no reviews before this. I enjoyed your story! Such a wonderful variety of settings going from autopsy, the bar, the book store, and Ducky's home. It's nice to see Ducky with a woman who is not some crazed person! I also enjoyed the quotations and correct use of the English

Nicely done.