Reviews for Ascension
Dreaming Haven chapter 36 . 7/14
Great story! I loved it that you also caught that part in 45 and 48. Me and my husband had always said it was Urahara who planed everything. Using Rukia to hide the Hogyoku and how he helped Ichigo to get his powers back. I also point out he actually killed Ichigo. If you remember the whole you can only put a soul back into a body as long as the soul chain hasn’t been severed. Urahara severed it and made sure it was eaten away much quicker as well. We (this include all our friends and family who read the manga and watched the series) agreed that Urahara probably used his body to make a very realistic gigai similar to his fathers so he could age. It seems like something he would do without telling him. If Ichigo ever asked about it he would probably say something around the lines of surely Ichigo understood the severity of severing a soul chain. And asking if he had taken the time to explain this to him would it have made a difference. Would Ichigo have changed his mind about rescuing Rukia? Of course not! I imagine Ichigo would have still been annoyed by his actions but Ichigo would have agreed to it anyway. It’s who he is.
Anyway, I love the detail and time you put into this. It really shows. look forward to your next update. :)
NoOneImportant chapter 36 . 7/12
This fanfiction has been an excellent read. I started reading it years ago but, for some reason, stopped. Maybe because it was shorter, and I had no patience for the next chapter to appear. I am glad that I found it again. I’m curious to know how long Ichigo was under Aizen’s influence and how much damage was really done to Soul Society. I assume Masaki is real and will be returned ”home.” Also, how many important shinigami died.
Bleach power chapter 36 . 6/29
I'm really glead that Aizan has been delt with. He deserved his end after what he did. It never crossed my mind that Aizan bankai could be something like you have wrote it. It was very interesting to read. The teamwork at the end was great. I simply love Zangetsu and Hollow Ichigo taking over to protect Ichigo. All in all, a great chapter. It hope you and your loved ones are well and safe.
Hese Solstis chapter 36 . 6/26
Darklover-san! You updated! :D

I hope that you are staying well and safe during the pandemic.

OMG! *hugs* it feels so nice to see it here. As usual hats off to your fight scenes. I am sorry to say that I am sorely in need of a re-reading of the previous chapters as I have forgotten quite a large chunk of what that has happened. I will endeavour to do it as soon as I can.

I think my heart broke a little when Nel decided to sacrifice herself for the bigger picture. I wonder if she will come back in the later chapters. Masaki-Aizen-Ichigo interaction is really well thought out and the plot is interesting to say the least. I really liked how you made Hime and Uryuu take on a much bigger role during the confrontation and as always Kisuke is diabolical and we must be glad that he is on the side of the righteous. XD

Wonderful work as always and please stay safe!
Rookblonkorules chapter 1 . 4/10
I'm largely fandom blind here, but it looks like you have a really interesting start to an interesting story. Your writing style is enjoyable and easy to follow- even if I'm not sure of the history of these characters.
corjca1 chapter 35 . 1/17
you made 3 satantic monsters winning god damn you why are you evil i hate this story you spoilt it with evil persons winning
corjca1 chapter 34 . 1/17
you must now azian is satan an unholy abomnation he belongs in hell why do people seem to like the dirty scum i hate his face damn i hate the skunk
corjca1 chapter 17 . 9/25/2019
i would spit in isshin face and kill the quincey bastard
That Sweet Bit chapter 2 . 8/25/2019
I really don't understand why you feel the need to italicize so many words. It's distracting and interrupts the flow of reading.
Bleach power chapter 35 . 8/22/2019
I love Ichigo fight with Grimmjow.I hope Ichigo stops Aizen very soon.
midnightscar17 chapter 34 . 10/8/2018
Please update soon
myownlilbubble chapter 34 . 9/7/2018
Ur fight scrnr
Bleach power chapter 34 . 9/6/2018
I love what you did in this chapter.I can see Byakuya lossing control over 's fights had been interesting.I love how Isshin apirred.
narusakufan1985 chapter 1 . 9/5/2018
This sounds really good. Please continue. Ichigo and Rukia forever.
Amethyst hazel chapter 34 . 9/4/2018
I am extremely happy that you have posted another chapter. This story is one of my favourite.
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