Reviews for Going Through the Motions
The Crystal Pen chapter 1 . 11/2/2017
I loved your portrayal of Tsuna and Squalo in this. I can't wait to read the rest of your stories.
schyra chapter 1 . 10/1/2017
This was a very enjoyable read, for a sadly rare pair. Your Squalo was equal parts terrifying, dashing and hilarious, which suits him to a tee! Thank you for writing this.
Lily chapter 1 . 7/23/2017
i love this story. i thought it was hilarious. however, I'm a bit confused about the note. Why did Squalo freak?
Visually Dreamer chapter 1 . 6/18/2017
Lol, haha that was hilarious! Is there gonna be a next chapter? I'm not sure with the Extra part's ending.
Red Distress chapter 1 . 12/29/2016
This... was for some reason really cute. Thank you for writing such an adorable Squalo/Tsuna fic!
left account chapter 1 . 8/7/2014
This story was like a piece of candy. Seven different flavors of wonderful.
Nice work!
Rose chapter 1 . 4/8/2014
The Omake was kinda good, but I enjoyed the longer beginning. The way Squallo just dragged poor Tsuna out forcibly was hilarious! Plus, it showed just how bad Squallo is with the whole romance game haha. I was seriously laughing my a** off at end when Squallo went to fight his 'rival' and thought it meant literal rival and didn't understand that it meant love rival-well, I was laughing even harder until I think I sounded insane! Haha. This was very cute and you got the humor part just perfect for this
eftela chapter 1 . 4/8/2014
Funny, sweet, and that fluffy bed confession from Squalo was a very pleasant surprise...At first I was thinking his confession would go something like...well, the very last part where he asked Tsuna to "Voooiii! Brat, go out with me!" But then, it wasn't like that at all...It was very sweet and he was hesitant, and kind of gentle..So yeah...A big like for yah, sister! Good job with this story!
Mr. Ochinchin Head chapter 1 . 12/29/2013
Squalooooooo, thats so...
devilsama666 chapter 1 . 12/24/2013
i laughed so much i choked, oh god squalo is such a wackjob! bel and lussuria too! good job , i stil can't stop laughing!
lazyass out!
Elis1412 chapter 1 . 11/27/2013
I truly love how 'confess' comes after 'bed'.
Loki-Avalon chapter 1 . 9/9/2013
Ah, that was so much fun to read! I was smiling almost the whole time while I read this!
SunShark chapter 1 . 7/3/2013
I have to say, this was quite lovely. Very lovely, in fact. Actually, did you come up with that list yourself or is that actually a thing? Because I've never seen any manga that has dress-up and then bed following each other like that...
Kuro-Sacchi chapter 1 . 5/16/2013
While reading this I wondered, who the hell is giving him advice?
When i reach the last part I did not knew if laugh or pity Squalo XD
Invidi chapter 1 . 5/9/2013
That note was hilarious! And story is so funny! I LOVE IT! I just adore SqualoxTsuna (though, I adore ALLxTsuna... Can't help it, he's too cute for his own good!).
And that rival thing... Ahahaha, epic!
Good job, good job!
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