Reviews for The Life and Death of Edward Anthony Masen
midnightmoon288 chapter 1 . 6/29
This story was 100% cannon for me:)
midnightmoon288 chapter 1 . 6/29
This story is 10% cannon for me
LAB1 chapter 31 . 5/19
This is one of my favorite stories and I'm so happy to have found it again! I love the characters and their interactions with Edward. Anna was my favorite!
LAB1 chapter 10 . 5/18
I have been searching for this story to reread in my pandemic reading. Seems appropriate for the current climate. The uselessness of the cloth masks, but the need to do something to try is still the same 100 years later!
Guest chapter 32 . 3/30
Not my cup of tea, but well written
Keep going
Kageyjay chapter 20 . 4/1/2018
I don't usually read long stories, but you wrote a very good account of the ending and beginning of the new Edward.
SodiumLamp0nAHill chapter 18 . 1/26/2017
I apologize for not sending this in a PM, but I cannot figure out how to do so.
You had mentioned in one of the author's notes that you had info on medical practices of the time. If the offer is still open, I'd love to discuss it with you. If not, that's fine, and a big thanks and kudos for putting all that time and research onto your story!
SodiumLamp0nAHill chapter 32 . 1/26/2017
And he passes the test with flying colors! :) Although the last sentence was deeply foreboding, and made all the more sad by what is to come.

I was kinda hoping that we would get to see glimpse of Esme, or at the very least Edie's wedding, but I suppose it's as they say, "another story for another time". ;)

Thank you so VERY MUCH for sharing your God-given talent for writing, and I eagerly await for your next in installment in this series!
SodiumLamp0nAHill chapter 31 . 1/26/2017
So poignant and heartbreaking! I'm glad that Edward was able to properly grieve and restore a few memories.
SodiumLamp0nAHill chapter 30 . 1/26/2017
To see the Aurora Borealis in person would be an AWESOME (in every sense of the word) sight indeed!

Such a shame that the departure from Deneli didn't go more smoothly. Hopefully it will next time.

So good to see Edward and Carlisle able to hammer out their relationship at last. You've done a splendid job of making it natural and belivable, and not rushing it.

I wonder what the rest of the letters say?
SodiumLamp0nAHill chapter 29 . 1/25/2017
Wow! Where to start with this chapter! First off, the handball game sounded super fun; and they managed to pull the wool over Edward's eyes to boot!

As Edward found out, it's so true that even if you can read someone's mind, you still wouldn't have the whole picture. You gotta wonder how much changed for him when Jasper joined the family.

The pictures of glaciers & ice caverns I've seen are absolutely BREATHTAKING, so I can only imagine what they would be like in person!

Sooo many warm, fuzzy feelings from this chapter! First with the Christmas party, and then with Carlisle's present! It was a truly enjoyable read! Thanks you!
SodiumLamp0nAHill chapter 28 . 1/25/2017
It was rather fascinating to watch Edward explore his ability on his own.

Interesting that Carlisle was in Tanya's sights at one time, though not terribly surprising.

Carlisle being brainwashed by his father? Hmm...interesting theory. On the surface I suppose it could be seen that way, but I don't think that that would be enough to sustain the kind of conviction that Carlisle has had for centuries on end, especially in the light of having your life and identity practicality obliterated when being changed. Just my opinion though. ;)
SodiumLamp0nAHill chapter 27 . 1/25/2017
That went surpisingly smooth, but what has Edward gotten himself into?!
SodiumLamp0nAHill chapter 26 . 1/24/2017
It's wonderful that Edie is finally happy and able to get the affections she so desperately craved!
SodiumLamp0nAHill chapter 25 . 1/24/2017
Yikes! That was a close call indeed! Glad to see Edward using his gift to his advantage.

Looking forward to seeing how their holiday panes out!
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