Reviews for Illumine
OfSunsetsandCarcrashes chapter 10 . 6/13
The story has gotten so good over the past 10 chapters! Will it be possible for them to free Setsuna of her village's curse? Will Konoka get her Ministra back? Will they be able to return home to the Old World?
I look forward to when this story gets the next update!
Guest chapter 10 . 5/8/2019
Love this, but are u dead?
Guest chapter 10 . 12/22/2015
It's been 25 years -_o
Akiron chapter 10 . 9/27/2014
Why?! Oh, why would you leave it like that?! It's almost the climax (or so I think) but you left me, no, us, hanging unto our seats!

As much as I am happy that I've dug a gem, I cannot help but feel sad about the continuation of this beautiful series. T_T I shouldn't have looked at the date, alas, I could not help.

It has been so long. Are you still going to continue this? D:
Guest chapter 10 . 9/27/2013
Please please please update! This is such a good story! Plz update soon!
Yuki chapter 10 . 7/12/2013
When you update?! Update NAO!
zanderh11 chapter 10 . 5/24/2013
a great and well done story, trully one of my favorites so far. i do hope you might have atleast some plan to go back and finish this, and if you do i wish you luck with it.
even if you dont i still wish you luck and thank you for whats been written so far. :)
Chaos Productions chapter 10 . 5/13/2013
...Y'know, this simply isn't fair. Just when I think I've skimmed through all the Negima fics I've read in the past, just when I think I see no updates and - by extension - no hope after that *dreadful* series ending, and just when I think I'm ready to toss this section aside and leave altogether, I just *had* to stumble onto the one chapter of Illumine I never got around to.

So much for leaving the section. Would you believe me if I told you that this chapter alone has given me more hope for this section than I had a few days ago? Because it has - a metric ton of hope, at that.

At first - Well, I'll not mince words. When I saw Chapter 10 had been updated almost two years ago and that (by some unholy, demonic influence) I hadn't got around to reviewing it... Put bluntly? I felt like shit. Then I got around to reading the content, and I almost immediately felt the bad feelings dissipate like a British person's morning haze after a good cup of tea. Said bad feelings were gradually replaced by feelings of absolute, unrestrained joy at the goings on - honestly, I must say: This is by far your best chapter. A wonderful portrayal of how terrible an 'invasion' can truly be, wonderful characterization that should be learned from by every writer on this site who's halfway serious about their story, gratuitous amounts of Konoka being an absolute badass, and loads of ship-teasing for my OTP in Negima (Asuna/Ayaka, that is - not that I'm complaining about the other ship teases in the least...). When I reached the ending A/N I sat back and thought, "Boy, that was a wild ride!"

I honestly cannot think of a single word, hell, a single *sentence* that can praise this chapter enough. I would say "Brilliant" in all-caps, italics, bold and underline (while double the normal text's size) but that is both impossible and - dare I say it - not praise enough? The entire chapter's execution was absolutely brilliant. The reactions to the demons' attack on the village was realistic, well-structured and exactly what I'd expect from the characters in question. The experience within the village is exactly what one could - and should - expect in such a case; meaning over-the-top, quick, precise, yet chaotic and morbid, leaving little room for action and even less for thought - a literal 'do-or-die', as one might say, and the one in this chapter is remarkably well-done. Then there's the reunion...

Ah, the reunion. A sudden window of peace and opportunity in which bonds are reestablished, emotions pour out, promises are made and decisions are taken with all the drama and fluffiness dropped in - which results in an amazing reading experience that tugs at the heartstrings (It would have tugged at the tear-ducts as well, had I not been so fixated on the illusion of my manliness). Scratch the section, I can count the number of emotional reunions as good as this one on *one hand* - and that's speaking of all the different sections I've read so far.

When I first started reading Illumine, I though you had a lot of talent and potential - and your story proved as much. However, there was absolutely *no way* that I could fathom that you'd evolve into such a masterful author at such a quick pace. Over the span of ten chapters you've gone from "Huh. This one's good..." to "Holy #$% this person is a god of literature!" - record time, I must say. Heck, at this stage I'm not even afraid to draw the comparison - I'd definitely place you up there alongside Cloverfield and Traingham when it comes to skill at writing for the Negima section.

In closing... Thank you. Thank you for the absolutely wonderful read - it's given me a whole new outlook on the Negima section as a whole, and reminded me just why I freaked the hell out every time I received an update notification regarding Illumine in the past. I await the next update with bated breath, and until then, I wish you all the best, and good luck with any future endeavors.

Guest chapter 10 . 2/6/2013
Plz plz plz! Next chapter! Pwease (•_)
Angel981 chapter 10 . 1/1/2013
Awesome! I read all of this story over a few days, and Iswear, I was shocked almost every single paragraph! Awesome job, continue! Please, dude!
Guest chapter 10 . 11/20/2012
Noooooooo plz plz plz update soon I have to read the next chapter!
Natami-chan chapter 10 . 9/23/2012
i really enjoyed the past few chapters i'm just a little surprised you stopped it has been so interesting,funny and dramatic in so many levels which made me want to read more. i hope you post more chapters soon because i really enjoy your use of vocabulary and scenery choice for the fan fiction! please please please post more chapters!
Guest chapter 10 . 9/9/2012
Please write more! I love this story and need to know what will happen next! TT
a chapter 10 . 8/28/2012
ok i just reread this and i'm so sad it's not completed yet! but ugh everytime konoka and setsuna talk to each other in your story i turn into mush insid. it's that good. pleaseeeee updateee! :)
lil-ying-fa chapter 10 . 6/18/2012
awesome fic. realllly hope you update it. its so good!
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