Reviews for Dragon Age: The Hunt
Gothamlightwing chapter 44 . 6/25
Okay, with that out of the way, I wanna say a BIG THANK YOU for writing this absolutely enjoyable fic! From reading on mobile, I turned on my laptop and everything just to type out this well-deserved review. It's gonna be long so strap in:

1) First, let me address some things I said in a previous review. I still stand by what I said - that I think Asleena gave up too soon and should've said her reasons to Alistair - but after reading what happens next, I'll give it a pass. :) I adore what you did with Zevran and Alistair's chat. You hit the nail on the head with that "metaphor." It was brutal.. and a little insensitive really, but Alistair needed that cold wakeup call. Because of that and because of how well it was executed, I drop my criticisms. You did both characters justice in that scene. Bravo.

2) Second, the ENDING. Girl, I feel you after reading that Author's note! When I read the last chapter, I resigned myself to the fact that I can't predict how it will end. As much as I agree with your writing decisions, when it comes to the matters of the heart, there's no predicting it. But whatever you did decide, I'll accept your reasons and I knew I would probably enjoy it.

I'm a hardcore Swooper, much like you. Although I did give Zev a chance, I couldn't abandon Alistair. I would have enjoyed whichever man you chose for Asleena because I myself couldn't decide. But as time has proven, in my heart, I hoped you would pick Alistair.

This isn't because of some bias (maybe a bit), but honestly I agree with your reasons 100%. It's staying faithful to the characters that Asleena picks Alistair. YOU actually managed to make ME root for Zev too, trust me! That's why I was confused! But I truly LOVE one of the lines you wrote that ultimately encompasses how I feel about those who harshly criticize Alistair for leaving when you spare Loghain. It goes along the lines of:

"Loghain will be remembered as a hero despite all his cruel deeds. Alistair will be remembered as a selfish traitor because of that ONE moment, even if he stayed with Asleena from Ostagar to the Landsmeet."

WOOF! Wow. I really do love that line because in a few sentences, it simplifies all of my thoughts in defense of Alistair's "immature" behavior. I know I'm getting off-topic, but I just want you to know how much THAT line and that "metaphor" scene (with Alistair and Zevran) - how much they will stay with me.

3) Last, to expand my thought on the ending. I liked it more that you didn't end it on the cliche. In this story (unlike DAO), our protagonists are Asleena and Zevran. The typical way this would end is for them to get together despite the whole quest's goal being to return Alistair. In your ending, you really made Zevran's character grow without sacrificing the others. In a way, everyone DID get their happy ending, just not in the way they expect.

TL;DR: His character growth isn't cheapened by love (love that might always just be secondary), but it is strengthened by friendship. And as I always say, friendship is more precious than sexual love (eros).

Thank you again. 3
Glightwing chapter 38 . 6/23
In addition to what I said here, I feel like... i dont know, I wasn't satisfied? I thought Asleena would defend her decisions more, really COMMIT to convincing Alistair, but that whole conversation took up just a bit more than half of the chapter.

I mean, she travelled all the way from Ferelden to the Free Marches just to convince him to come back. I expected her to really take as much time as needed to convince him back and defend her position. Like I said, she didnt even bring up her "In reterospect" argument. Going in, she KNEW that Alistair would be tough to convince, that they would most likely fight. Then, at the first sign of things getting heated and accusations thrown, she gets up and LEAVES?

It just really bothers me because the Zevran or Alistair conflict here is written well, but I think this whole meeting is anticlimactic if she gives up this easy. Alistair was solid all the way through until the end, but Zevran stayed and was loyal. You don't just give up your first love so I expected more from the confrontation.

Anyways just my critiique. Still love the story and writing tho dont doubt it! Just didnt love this chapter too much.
Glightwing chapter 38 . 6/23
Dude why didnt she tell him that by saving Loghain, he wouldnt have to make and Old God Baby and he wouldnt have to be king? Idk I mean I always knew it was either Alistair or Zevran, but the fact that she didnt tell him that (in retrospect and all), makes me feel like you're pushing for a Zevran ending.

I just hoped she would tell him and we'd see his reaction to fairly judge if their relationship is rightfully over. But I feel like Asleena didnt mention at all the benefita of her choice. Why is that? Also hoping Zevran dossnt rip into Alistair.
Glightwing chapter 36 . 6/23
I feel like this will go to shit or turn out badly for him
Gothamlightwing chapter 35 . 6/23
THANK the Maker
Glightwing chapter 31 . 6/23
Wow. Wonderfully written but so incredibly cruel of Zevran. I wish DAO had a DLC showing what really happened (but maybe its too dark for a game) and since they didnt, I really enjoyed the way you envisioned it. It's fitting for the Crows and your description about Zevran choosing to believe in what he was raised with is done well.
Glightwing chapter 16 . 6/22
I find it dubious that Ferelden has no horses but YMMV. Actually starting to LOVE Xai though. he may be a master assassin, but he's a master assassin who's LOYAL. Seems pretty down to earth to me when it comes to his superiors, but we'll see :)
Gothamlightwing chapter 14 . 6/22
I'm still confused, man. Even if he was conscripted, he could've fought back. it doesn't end well sure, but an assassin like him can easily escape the clutches of Asleena. Now, she trusts him to ride to Denerim on his own? Won't he try to escape (especially with no supervision)? idk it was a quick 360 on the character, I thought he would fight for his freedom a bit more.
Gothamlightwing chapter 13 . 6/22
What? I don't understand. Why did he spill the tea like that? he's not blood-bound so it's all a bond by word only? Why'd he give it up? Nice twist but don't get it.
Gothamlightwing chapter 11 . 6/22
aw FUCK YOU MAN :(( Why do you do this to my heart? Why do you have to make me root for BOTH Alistair and Zevran? aw man! You tagged this story as Cousland, Zevran, so I was clueless on what pairings you're going for. I'm a lover of Alistair/Cousland (my canon), but I really REALLY love Zevran/Cousland as well. Both relationships are so natural when written well, and that is what you did!
This is very very cruel of you. I love both of their romances, and the way this whole thing is folding out with flashbacks and present time with TWO possible love interests? Abso-fucking-lutely delightful!
Even though I picked Alistair in my run, I don't know WHO to root for here! Their dynamics are both great :(( I'll read on!
Gothamlightwing chapter 9 . 6/22
damn. THiS. This chapter man. WOW. Two deadly proposals, which will she follow? Both with their own pros, cons, and dangers. It reminds me very much of the DAO game, and i think it fits perfectly in the world of Thedas. It reminds me of the whole Orzammar plot, but better written and very original! Love seeing Antivan politics at play!

Point of criticism though: just noticed you used Teyrn to refer to the authority in Markham, but I'm pretty sure Markham is in the Free Marches? I think only Ferelden names the positions as Teyrns, Arls and Banns. That doesn't exist in Orlais or the Free Marches, so it's kind of an error. Based on DA2, cities in the Free Marches have Viscounts. I'm not really bothered by it, just letting you know. And... now I realize I sound like a dick because this story was made in 2010 which was before DA2. Well, now we both know! XD
Gothalightwing chapter 8 . 6/22
omg when I started this story I did NOT know that it would be filled with mystery and suspense. Wow! I didn't start reading it for that reason, but I am liking it more and more! Damn can't wait to see where this leads. and... lol Zevran. 2 hours is long dude XD
Gothamlightwing chapter 5 . 6/22
Wow HAHAHA did NOT expect a horror story. Very interesting! This would play out well on screen.
Arcane Warrior 2012 chapter 44 . 4/21
Read this story again after few years, the more my thoughts mature the more I appreciate this story.

Only rare few of the other stories consider Alistair's position as good as this one does.
The dialogue where Alistair and Asleena discuss how they could have avoided whole fiasco only if they both had let cooler head prevail.

Also this story doesn't gloss over other issues in a fantastical way. The issue of Alistair facing trouble from local population or nobility might be real, as his one act swept aside all good he had done in same way as Loghain's one sacrifice cleaned all heinous acts on his part. That is how perception works and I applaud you on being honest about it and making Asleena agree that if situation doesn't improves on that count they may have to leave Ferelden for good.

But what was superb and marvellous about this story was depth to Zevran's character, he was neither superficial to warden or resentful to Alistair, nor did he hid his feelings completely. He had come a long way from the man he was with Rinaa, long way from his own demons and his conversation with Alistair was brilliant.

I am glad I read this story again. Last time I had rushed over it thinking it too long and I regret that.
AshMountian216 chapter 44 . 10/30/2019
Booyah! Sequel time!
Honestly though. You do a wondering job at writing and the way you capture the characters and give them more detail is truly something.
Now I have to go read more adventures our favorite assassin is on
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