Reviews for The Bitter and the Sweet
margie-me chapter 1 . 10/28/2019
Amazing, simply amazing! I hadn't thought...Isildur himself! Closure at last!
LuteofLorien chapter 1 . 10/11/2018
Oh, absolutely! What a fantastic piece! Part of the joy of Tolkien’s characters is their complexity and Isildur’s bravery in protecting the fruit of the White Tree is so often forgotten in the light of his infamous decision to keep the Ring. And in Aragorn’s one line you manage to subtly shift the balance, allow Isildur’s brave deeds to exist alongside his folly, remind us, and Isildur himself, that he is far more than the man who succumbed to the Ring. Lovely characterisation of Aragorn, too, as others have said, and how very like him to find the perfect words to address his most notorious ancestor, heartfelt but not trite, not denying the evil he allowed to come to pass but allowing him release from his guilt over it. Thank you for sharing your insight into this moment!
wotumba1 chapter 1 . 8/30/2017
one amongst many... and yet so much more!
Hel chapter 1 . 6/9/2017
Wow. This is amazing. You managed to make Tolkien proud with this bit of work, I think. I love how you wrote Aragorn, he is perfectly in character. And Isildur, too.
This is simply amazing.
Larelen chapter 1 . 10/8/2015
Amazing! You write so vividly. I felt as if I was Isildur, anxiously awaiting Aragorn's arrival. The tender reunion between Aragorn and his parents, and then the boyish glee with which he greets Halbarad had me on the verge of tears. That one line to Isildur pushed me over the edge: "The White Tree blooms once more in Gondor, Isildur, and gladdens the hearts of all." Exactly the kind of thing Aragorn would say. I love it! I read your Rushlight stories too, and I loved them! You had me giggling and on the edge of my seat at the same time! Keep it up!
PSW chapter 1 . 10/7/2015
This was wonderful. Bits of it made me teary, as those waiting on the shore reminded me of a little story told at my grandma's funeral. But, such a fascinating POV, I would never have thought to watch this moment through Isildur's eyes. Liked all of his reunions, of course, but *loved* the one w Halbarad... :-)

Thanks for writing!
Whispers from a Shade chapter 1 . 5/27/2014
:'( I love it. Sad and sweet.
Snehalotr chapter 1 . 3/14/2014
I have wondered how the meeting between Isildur and Aragorn would go, after all he is responsible for all his sorrows. But, then again he would not have met Arwen. The reunion between Halbarad and Aragorn had me grinning from ear to ear. Heartwarming!
magis1 chapter 1 . 11/23/2013
wow... *searching for words*...
well, This is a very well thought and well written possibility.
I like it.
"even a king might find his heart pounding from nerves"
What a sentiment! To see Aragorn arriving at the hither shores from Isildurs POV makes for quite an interesting read.
Thanks for sharing this gem.

BTW how about other POVs? Like Boromir, Denethor or Smeagol and Frodo? ;-)
Window Girl chapter 1 . 11/22/2013
Beautiful. And yes, Aragorn would have an understated arrival like that.
ellisk chapter 1 . 6/21/2013
Wow. You got me crying in a public place again. Powerful!
LeDragonQuiMangeDuPoisson chapter 1 . 6/21/2012
I've always believed that Halbarad and Aragorn would meet again, and I'm glad to see that you do, too. That he also meets his father I hadn't really thought of, but that he meets Isildur...perfect. This was such a perfect way to start my day - thank you for sharing it! It's absolutely heart-wrenchingly beautiful.
Jarakrisafis chapter 1 . 3/11/2012
You need a tissue warning for this. I had to take a break to go find mine.

How very very fitting indeed that it is Aragorn who finally releases Isildur from his sins, not any greater power.

Beautifully written and wonderfully poignant.
Glory Bee chapter 1 . 10/2/2011
This was just beautiful! Thanks for sharing and making me cry :)
Emberike chapter 1 . 9/27/2011
This brought tears to my eyes. You capture the emotions perfectly and the characterization is brilliant. Truly a gem.
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