Reviews for Pivot
Qwerky-Qwerty chapter 20 . 12/31/2018
Wow, like literally, wow. This has to be the best fanfic i have ever come by. I could not stop reading this, i am so excited to see how this story continues and how its gonna end. I'm so happy that i found this! Can't wait for more!
Lucy Gore chapter 20 . 6/12/2016
i just thought id review with my profile as well.
i just want to say, once more, that i am just taken aback by the turn of this story, i love what you did with it and it rekindled my passion for writing, i myself have just published a new chapter after five years of going blank. thank you so much, your story and writing has just sparked magic in me and i just hope you continue to publish chapters3 thank you3
lucygore chapter 20 . 6/6/2016
my god this has gotten so so good.
i am just so eager for the next chapter, i am baffled by the emotional implications, the suspense.
gahh i could go on but i just stayed up all night catching up on this story since i last started reading it about 6 years ago, i am so grateful i did.
thank you for your amazing writing skils, i greatly look forward to the rest3
P4ranoia chapter 20 . 11/30/2015
when is the next chapter comming i think this is so original and good
xRedxMoonx chapter 19 . 10/8/2015
This is great, really, such an amazing job. It's obvious you've put a lot of effort in every chapter. The way you've described Gaara and his personality through the years is simply perfect, and I think Gaara is one of the most difficult characters to write for so you've done a fantastic job. I specially love the relationship between your OC and Gaara, how both personalities collided and connected at the same time. Also, I really like the way you introduce the rest of the characters; how they slowly yet logically make an appearance as the story calls for them.

Now I've noticed you've not updated in a while and I seriously hope you do again. I understand how it can be difficult to keep writing some times, but you have lots of fans and we all will be waiting for you to update. :)
Uqor chapter 20 . 7/26/2015
I connect with Miyune's feelings so much, thank you for creating such a relatable character. I can't wait for the next chapter!
Hikiri chapter 20 . 4/26/2015
Man, maybe its with the way i have been feeling lately but i totally bawled through that last little bit. I mean, she so obviously desiring someone to call her on her bullshit. Just one person who misses the old Miyune. Good on Gaara.
Also i am very happy for the update, thank you very much for your time and effort. The whole chapter was, as always, splendid. (Winky face*smile*smile)
narutoluvr17 chapter 20 . 4/13/2015
This is singlehandedly the best Naruto OC story I've ever read. No exaggerations, either. Your characterization is perfect, your plot is undeniably interesting, and your writing style is just amazing.
I hope you update soon! This story is just too good and I would hate to see it be abandoned. Even if you left it for adoption or something it still wouldn't have the same style and conflict.
I love Miyune and Gaara! Please update soon!
Akari.Wolf.Princess chapter 20 . 4/12/2015
Ehhhhhh Yes and update woohoo! And it was AWESOME and meh gosh you made Gaara so mouth watering yummy yummy!heheh funny how the poeple you least expect are the one to break down your walls and the ones that are supposed to just stand by.

You must hurry with the next chapter!
ZSG chapter 15 . 4/9/2015
She _is_ a psychiatrist (treatment of mental illness), not a psychologist (study of the hman brain), not sociologist (study of human society).
ThePastaDragon chapter 20 . 4/8/2015
Damn it. . Why must she be so very stubborn? Can't they just make up and have adorable babies already? T-T

Kidding! We wouldn't have a story if you did that. :D I loved it though, every nerve-wracking second of it. I think towards the end of it I was thinking 'DamnitDamnitDamnit Don't do anything stupid girl! Please don't do anything stupid!' XD I can't wait to see Gaara drag her out of her funk. :)
Arbies chapter 20 . 4/7/2015
Just gotta say that even though the time waiting between chapters is agony, it's so worth it. So so good!
Arsiul chapter 20 . 4/7/2015
Ahhhhhhh! So exciting! Gaara handled all that rather well. I'm really looking forward to further chapters! As usual it was lovely and witty all the way through.

Please, Miyune, be yourself! I like you! TT

And i'm also glad to see you update at all. I feel like no matter how much time passes i can 'bet' that you'll eventually continue the story ;)

Oh, and flat_waffles29OfSilverandDice 3
LoloxBear chapter 20 . 4/7/2015
Whoa. I'm feeling slightly breathless at the end of this chapter. Incredibly well-written.

I feel so bad for Miyune- the stress is getting to her. I do want the real Miyune. She might be hot headed and childish but I loved her! I hope Kiba enjoys his vacation but the company sucks for not having a replacement! I'm curious to know who this new person is going to be. Kakashi is excited and already thinks she is the perfect candidate and it's a woman? I want to know who it is so bad!

I could feel the tension growing in my shoulders right when Miyune and Gaara made eye contact. His reaction was flawless and I knew he would catch on, she must seem like a shell of a person to him. I hope he is able to bring her back and help her change for the better. She needs some true optimism in her life.

I wonder how Gaara plans on getting more involved in her life? I feel like Kankuro knows what plans he has in mind and I feel as though Gaara is even more resolve and determination to make up not only for his behavior but try and help her climb out of the hole she put her self in.

Beautifully done. I love your writing. Some of the dialogue sounds a bit too formal but I wonder if it's just how they talk? I will be waiting (im)patiently for another update!
maxridelover chapter 20 . 4/7/2015
come on miyune don't do this to yourself!
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