Reviews for DeepBlack
Guest chapter 1 . 2/15/2014
arrgh...what's with Ruby and dying...
GCont chapter 1 . 10/8/2010

I just totally loved it, I really think you should continue this.

And I hope is soon, 'cause I see u published last year! :(
Becks Rylynn chapter 1 . 1/8/2010
Wow. I am very intrigued. This was a very powerful opening chapter, I must say. Dean killing her while under possession? It's dark and gritty and I need more. Dean/Ruby is like my drug and as of late, you are officially my supplier. So, like, I need another hit, girly.

But seriously, this story is definitely unlike anything I've ever read before and I love it.

Love and Kisses,

Becks Rylynn