Reviews for Nine Point Eight Meters Per Second Squared
Dreamweaver100 chapter 1 . 5/18/2011
This is amazing. What else can one say to such beautiful mastery of both literature and expressing characters?

Guest chapter 1 . 10/17/2010
You've written something beautiful and elegant and heartbreaking, and I am very grateful that you put it out here for me to read. Thank you.
gungnirburst chapter 1 . 10/9/2010
Hmmm. That is a thing to wonder - why Kain kept using Jump during that fight. For all we know, he might have been doing it just to annoy the crap out of Cecil (and the person playing the game)... Plus there is the fact that he can't be attacked while in the air... Or maybe he was just feeling an excessive amount of dragoon pride and wanted to show off his mad jumping skills... And I can't believe I just typed that. XDDDD

Oh gosh... But this was nice. I adore KainxCecil very much so. Just looking at my published stories list is a telltale sign of my love for this pairing. They could always use more love.

With big hearts and exploding bits of love,

MeleeRondo chapter 1 . 1/15/2010
This is simply lovely~! And man, I've been DYING to read this kind of writing style for ages! It has a poem-like feel to it and everything flows smoothly, and the characters' feelings and emotional conflicts was well-conveyed in just short, simple sentences. Also, your insight on Kain using only "Jump" during the fight. I thought it was cool that you could see a symbolic meaning to something like that, much less write a 'fic based after it. I know I couldn't. xD

That, and it's KainxCecil. Can't forget about that, even if it's one-sided. ;D

Okay, I'll stop gushing now.

Darkening-Wings chapter 1 . 12/29/2009
Thank you so, so much. I'm not sure I'm thanking you enough?

I seriously suck at using words.

This was simple, but it had emotion. It was touching. You've got a way with putting feelings into those words, yes.

(Now, I wish I had that game even more. I'm lacking equipment to do so, though.)

Again, thank you. This made my day.
ChocolateTeapot chapter 1 . 12/28/2009
Nice story. The title is really cool.
ChibiShiva chapter 1 . 12/28/2009
Yay, more Kain/Cecil! My fav couple ever XD. I agree as well, there's def. not enough of it, and I'm really glad to see more .

I enjoyed reading this and see both POVs - you captured the tension very well .

Looking forward to move!