Reviews for The List
BillyJay936 chapter 1 . 4/2/2015
Super cute! Love some domestic fluff! Great job!
musicgal3 chapter 1 . 8/4/2012
I love Fiyero when he gets in one of these adorable 'thinking' moods and starts being really sweet like this. Impossible as it may seem, it makes me fall in love with him all over again.
Charmingly-Evil chapter 1 . 3/29/2011
aww i loved this. very cute. and a very good plot. again great job!
the-Mad-Majesty-of-Muchness chapter 1 . 11/22/2010
"Raise a little hell," huh? Yeah, that sounds like him.

Emmett Cullen: I can help!

Fiyero: Then come ON, dude, we've got a lotta work to do and not much time to do it before the girls get home! *grabs his wrist and pulls*

Me: Not so fast!

Fiyero: Uh...hi, Mags...

Em: Please don't tell Rosalie and Elphaba!

Me: I won't.

Boys: *sighs of relief*

Me: Under the condition that you let me in on it, too.

Boys: *look at each other then shrug*

Fiyero: Eh, what the hell?

Em: C'mon, Maggie! Like Fiyero said, we got a whole bunch to do and not much time to get it done before Rosie and Elphaba get home! LET'S GET BUSY!

*we go on an insane rampage around the house*
degreenifyinggravity chapter 1 . 11/4/2010
This was entertaining. Fiyero making a list? Undeniably brilliant! Great job!
SunRise19 chapter 1 . 3/13/2010
aww, so sweet! I really liked this story! :) You write these two so great!

BTW, how do we know his last name? from the book or musical? Great job once again!
ToThoseWhoGroundMe chapter 1 . 12/29/2009
Oh that was beautiful! Love it!
ElphabaROCKS chapter 1 . 12/28/2009
The items on his list are kinda based off of a country song by...well, I cant remember...
Tiggy the Hopeless Romantic chapter 1 . 12/27/2009
Now I'm all gooey. You know, that really pleasant feeling you get when you're watching a movie or a tv show, or reading and you just feel so, so content? And happy? Yeah, I have that feeling. Thanks for writing this for me, Wifey!


Ziva- Zia- Z chapter 1 . 12/27/2009
Loved it!

"Who are you and what have you done with my husband?"

~ I'd wonder that too!
