Reviews for Alice and Onwards
MirsaAceOfShadows chapter 5 . 2/22/2019
Aw, is that all? Well, it was a lovely time. Such fun to read, I would definitely come back around should you ever pick the story back up. I do so love reading about the adventures and misadventures this madcapped pair get into.
MirsaAceOfShadows chapter 4 . 2/22/2019
How people writing spinoffs of Wonderland-based tales always come up with the most clever ideas that fit the mold perfectly is a feat that will never cease to amaze me. The whole consensus-taker idea is absolutely mad and perfectly Wonderland (at least I'm assuming it's that and not something I've just forgotten from the original books, that would be quite embarrassing '_)
MirsaAceOfShadows chapter 3 . 2/22/2019
I am incredibly envious of Hatter's tower cottage! It's comfortable and brazen and cozy and grandiose and rustic and altogether insane and I adore it _
MirsaAceOfShadows chapter 1 . 2/22/2019
Alice is forever getting herself into tight spots, isn't she :D This was a very fun beginning to the story, very much in the Wonderland vein. I had to read a few spots twice to make sure I was picturing everything just so. And your writing is divine! I feel like I've just come over from Carroll and continued on with the story as if nothing. The flow is extremely pleasant and entertaining to read :)
MirsaAceOfShadows chapter 2 . 2/22/2019
Oh, I very much like this incarnation of Hatter. I know you inspired him from WCMI's version but this one feels very unique to this story, with familiar tones to him. In a way, he feels younger? But only slightly. By a hundred years or so, perhaps ;)
W. Y. Traveller chapter 2 . 2/10/2014
Mad Hatter a What, not a Who? How absurd! Of course he's a Who! Silly Alice, fancy trying to procure an argument with him. :-) Thoroughly enjoying this reread down memory land.

Lisa x
W. Y. Traveller chapter 1 . 2/10/2014
Marvellous yarn. :-) I read this story several years back on DA, and sought it out this afternoon when I got a random Alice in Wonderland remembrance thread. I absolutely love it. The uniqueness is beautiful, especially the descriptive method of Alice's return to Wonderland. One to really grasp and try the imagination. Just terrific! Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is such a rare, enjoyable odditiy that it is nice to see others writing with a similar tone.

Lisa x
inkdfantasy chapter 5 . 5/19/2012
This story is fantastic. I love the Mad Hatter; your characterization is superb! You must update, please!
popcorngoo chapter 5 . 3/20/2012
Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg! You NEEEEEEED to update the shizz outta this fic. I am fricken HOOKED. gaaaaaaaaaahhh. I am so curious about what sort of favor dear Alice is going to have to do. :D you seriously have me sitting on the edge of my seat. No joke. Im at the edge!

The only critique I have is that you tend to use the word 'little' an awful lot. But that's it.

Totally splendidly marvelously terrific ol' chap(I seriously love the old British lingo you incorporate)

Ahha chapter 5 . 2/26/2012
Ph my goodness! What a fantastic story! Can't wait to see what happens next!
Jazz chapter 5 . 8/7/2011
Hi, i've been reading this on deviantart and i just LOOOOVE the story, the narrative, the characterization and the artwork of AlicexHatter. VERY much. It was such a pleasure to read but I couldnt comment though, so i tried to see if you posted it here as well.

PLEASE! For the love of God, write more! I need the story to get on with getting those two together!

BerryEbilBunny chapter 5 . 8/6/2011
Oh my I wonder what troubles ALice will encounter next. Oh dear, I am awfully excited!
Zangoose-Kira chapter 5 . 6/18/2011
It's been said before, but your writing is brilliant! You even included the nonsense poems Wonderland is known for. Keep writing, I'm enjoying this fic a lot! There are so many good quotes... *runs out of complements and sits back*
James Birdsong chapter 5 . 6/15/2011
Well done. Awesome
Magic After Midnight chapter 5 . 6/13/2011
Riveting. Please do continue, please do.
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