Reviews for Bloodsport
corintios chapter 1 . 1/17/2015
omg that was so awesome!
if you would, why don't you consider writing a few words about Tsuna and Reborn's relationship, it would be very interesting.

Thank you for posting!
SilverWhiteDragon chapter 1 . 10/6/2014
Damn. I know it says "no pairings" but I was really hoping for more hints of 8059, lol
Svelis chapter 1 . 6/9/2014
Wow, even if I like Gokudera, that was the very first story that fulled my eyes, it is awesome! Even if I feel quite sorry for Squalo, of course! It is strange to see Squalo following orders to Byakuran and not Xanxus but it does not matter that much fo the plot, this story is amazing, I loved it!
Chibi-Onee-chan chapter 1 . 6/15/2013
Holy crap, this story is 29,000 words of awesome, suspense, and all around thrills. I love how this is told from Hayato's point of view, and comes to an end where he finds a place to belong. I absolutely love this story. :3
AwedbyAwesomeness chapter 1 . 11/26/2012
amazing au! i dont suppose theirs a chance for a sequel?
speos chapter 1 . 9/13/2012
Oh, WOW. Woooowww. I think my head is still spinning. I really love it! You have insane!Yamamoto down to the last thread, and Gokudera shines in all his glory, and... everyone's accounted for, really. Amazing!
Ominous Rain chapter 1 . 7/20/2012
O_O OMG I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO SAY BESIDES THIS WAS AWESOME! I stayed up until 6:41am reading it! :D This AU vampire world is the shit! In fact I've been calling you Queen of Reborn for a while now. lol But even more funny is how Hibari acted like a proud papa xD LMAO Sorry that you had to get eaten Squalo(Well not really!) Phenomenal job this was!
MuchFailSauce chapter 1 . 9/18/2011
I've been rereading this story whenever i feel like reading something good, but this is the first time I've gotten off my ass and actually commented. :D I love this story,especially all the polotics you've put in and the manners and the culture. Your stuff is always really good, especially the way you write the characterisations and the humor you put in-it's really funny, but really dramatic and intriguing at the same time. XD Just thought is hould get that all out here, since it would take so long to comment on all of your awesomeness...hope you don't mind.

Also: my beta saw these and sent them to me and thought of this story, so I just thought I should send them to you in case you hadn't seen them. :)

gallery . minitokyo view/402100


gallery . minitokyo view/408536

Because this story and teh spin offs for it are the best 'supernatural creatures' fanfic I've ever read, no joke. :D

Thanks for the awesome read(s),

Adoring Fan chapter 1 . 9/15/2011
This is possibly the best story EVER. Really detailed, and really have me wishing for more. Wonderfully thought out plot. Lovely fic there. Thank you so much for writing.
Taste the GoM chapter 1 . 1/18/2011
This story was Amazing! It was a beast to get through but so worth it and now it's left me craving for more when there isn't! I really liked the story line and how you portrayed the characters! You've probably been asked this a lot but is there any chance of you writing a sequel to this? Maybe a couple of years later type of thing if not a direct continuation of the plot's timeline?
half-breed vampire chapter 1 . 12/6/2010
please tell me theres moer please i need to know! *begs*
MayAnny chapter 1 . 10/24/2010
That was just perfect! I have this kind of complex fic in mind, a few stories, yet, I wish I could have such a great grammar like yours (Cuz my grammar is just terrible awful) and know how to make a story interesting from the begining to the end! D

I didn't check yet, but I hope there is a sequel! The story is awesome and I want to read more!
Eternalgravity chapter 1 . 7/12/2010
First off, love the story. Read it 3 times, first time kept me up til 4am. Couldn't stop. Have it saved for offline viewing. XD

It did drag a bit at some points, but I think it worked with the character development. Gokudera isn't a people person and him trying to figure out a way to give Yamamoto the news without him running straight to his doom..I can see it.

I'd love to see a sequel to this. While you sort of wrapped things up you left me wanting more interaction between Hibari/Yamamoto and Gokudera and his new clan, why didn't Yamamoto's father tell him, and will Byakuran succeed? Also, why was Squalo working for Byakuran?

You also had some interesting mythos I'd like to see more of. Child vampires being the most powerful and the Watchers were interesting takes on vampires.
3VAD127 chapter 1 . 6/20/2010
This story was... so epic, and I don't just mean in length. It was all written so well that I didn't really mind sitting at my computer for the insane amount of time necessary to read this. I think I blew about three hours of my life reading this story as many times as I could, going over my favorite parts three and four times, but it was really worth it. :3

Aah, now I sound like a raving fangirl... which I guess isn't too far off the mark. I'm such a fan of Gokudera, and now I'm such a fan of this story. TT_TT My favorite part was probably the ending scene simply because it was so laced with emotion, and all I could think of while reading it was "Yes yes YES that's a BRILLIANT ending, and now I feel so SATISFIED with this story." Really great.

The only thing I was sad about was the lack of closure between Yamamoto and Gokudera... but I guess that's what an imagination is for. :) I'm not really sure what you had in mind with those two; I'm just hoping they worked it out all right.

So, um, now that I've written a novel about how great your story is... xD Thanks so much for writing "Bloodsport." It was definitely an instant favorite of mine.

vapanalley chapter 1 . 5/30/2010
So epic in proportions I am speechless. It was almost as if no word or paragraph or action was wasted to tell this story. Really cool.
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