Reviews for The Ministry's Revenge
katy2000 chapter 23 . 3/1/2013
lol to my last post, if i said stingy then i ment Ziggy, lol sorry about that come times i get confused with names :P
katy2000 chapter 23 . 3/1/2013
still not logged in but i gotta say i love this chapter, lol especially the way stingy came in :P
katy2000 chapter 20 . 3/1/2013
im actually not logged in because im at school and i forget my password :P lol, thisis a pretty good chapter! i love the action and im really enjoying the story over all :) by the way lol you have a spelling error , the sentence is "Then Josam watched as the androids when for the important targets first, including the Police Chief, Fire Chief, and Mayor." Lol you accidentaly wrote when instead of went, hope you dont mind my correction there :)
ItaSaku1 chapter 32 . 3/1/2011
Aw, this was just so cute.

It was such an amzing story!
ItaSaku1 chapter 31 . 3/1/2011
Oh I so totally knew it, they're getting married.

ItaSaku1 chapter 30 . 3/1/2011
Haha, I have a feeling I know what Sportacus and Robbie were talking about.

Love it!
ItaSaku1 chapter 29 . 3/1/2011
Oh jewlery huh?

He also put his hand on the speaker, makes me wonder...hmmmmm.
ItaSaku1 chapter 28 . 3/1/2011
Whoa so it was Ziggy?

This was weird!
ItaSaku1 chapter 27 . 3/1/2011
Whoa, that death was creepy!
ItaSaku1 chapter 26 . 3/1/2011
Gosh that just sad, it made me tear up just reading about the funeral!
ItaSaku1 chapter 25 . 3/1/2011
Whoa, how do you explain to your beloved one that ther uncle died.

That's going to be hard to tell!
ItaSaku1 chapter 24 . 3/1/2011
So the mayors dead.

I was so afraid it was Stephanie!
ItaSaku1 chapter 23 . 3/1/2011
Whoa, gosh it just gets interesting and more interesting!
ItaSaku1 chapter 22 . 3/1/2011
Oh my gosh, Stephania and Sportacus must be saved
ItaSaku1 chapter 21 . 3/1/2011
Wow, this like a scifi action, it's kind of scary, what happened to sportacus?
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