Reviews for When One Door Closes Another Opens
SuziH-J chapter 14 . 11/5/2016
Great story (and I'm not usually one for crossovers), but love how you have done this. Was nearly going to berate you for ending there but then checked and saw the two sequels. Will get to them tomorrow probably as it's after 10pm now.
Shara Raizel chapter 14 . 5/17/2012
WHAT? now why would you end a story there? that is totally not fair! i have to admit that i really liked this story and love the idea of lex and tosh. i would have liked to see more of that relationship and what happens to rhys. i really do like the man and i'm glad that you gave him the guts to leave gwen. i would have liked to see more interaction between the group of five.
I-Love-Trunks1 chapter 14 . 8/29/2011
I loved this story so much!
OneShotMarvel chapter 14 . 5/16/2011
oh my gosh no! You can't just end it there, you just can't!It's torture I say, torture of the worst kind! I hope you plan to make a sequel because I absolutely love it. Oh me oh my, Ianto? Pregnant? Well, I kind of saw it coming in the last chapter, so it wasn't much of a surprise, but it was still delightful to be right. I really, really pray that you'll make a sequel. I mean, how could you not? It's Ianto's and Clark's baby! XD He/She will be adorable, no doubt. I feel bad for Rhys, having loved the fickle of a cow that is Gwen Cooper, and am still flabbergasted at how everyone seemed to want her, here as well. To be completely honest, she's not even pretty. Kind of weird looking with her big eyes, freckled face and big teeth with a gap in them. Yup. Ianto is definitely infinitively the better choice in all aspects.

Again, absolutely loved it! Sequel please? :'D lol
AveaJene chapter 14 . 6/10/2010
haha, too cute. A great twist.
Touch of the Wind chapter 14 . 6/5/2010
A great story- and such a wonderful ending- Owen demanding a sample shows how he cares about Ianto is his own brash way!
reddevilpoes chapter 14 . 6/2/2010
LESSON TO BE LEARNED: never trust a guy who tells you there is no need for condoms!
reddevilpoes chapter 13 . 6/2/2010
Anonymous 3275 26435 chapter 14 . 6/1/2010

This was an awesome story! Please don't leave us hanging here! I can't wait to see what happens next!
hotflower901 chapter 13 . 6/1/2010
very hot
hotflower901 chapter 14 . 6/1/2010
morning sickness sucks
bbmcowgirl chapter 14 . 6/1/2010
Well, I'm sad that Jack and Ianto are over since it's my favorite pairing but I'm glad that Ianto is happy. Really glad that Rhys didn't fall for Gwen and has left her for good. And I'm so happy for Tosh, she deserves happiness and if it's with a hot millionaire, oh well. Now, you do plan a sequel, right? I mean you can't leave poor Ianto PG forever.
JxIHarkness-Jones chapter 14 . 6/1/2010
OMG! That was awesome... Can't wait for the sequel :D Yay! A mini Ianto/Clark :D

JxIHarkness-Jones XxxXxxX
Angel-eyes56 chapter 14 . 5/31/2010
You end it there? But I want to see little Clark and Ianto's running around.

Yay to Rhys for realizing that he does deserve to be loved and not second best.

Tosh finally get's her happy ending that she never really got.

And Jack and Gwen get to be alone, just like they deserve.
Angel-eyes56 chapter 13 . 5/31/2010
I'm so happy for Ianto and Clark. And the bonus smut was very nice to read.

To Rhys, remember you deserve better than Gwen.
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