Reviews for Homecoming
Kemq chapter 38 . 7/29
Great story.
blondferretgirl chapter 38 . 7/18
Love It!
bonnemine82 chapter 37 . 5/17
Très belle et terrible histoire. Merci
kezcullen chapter 37 . 5/16
i have read this story straight through starting last night and finishing today- and really enjoyed it. thank you for sharing your work and i will go back to your author page and see what else you have done. thanks also for the story recs!
litmajoronleave chapter 4 . 4/5
The Cullens are great! So are Charlie and Emmett.
litmajoronleave chapter 2 . 4/5
Oh. Poor Bella. What had her life been with her evil mom?
vampirelady13 chapter 30 . 1/26
To funny Chatlie has to have the sex tAlk. Edward's gift was good as Bella's was to Edward
vampirelady13 chapter 28 . 1/26
Bella is right it did lead her to a family no matter how bad Charlie scrwed up. They can be happy
vampirelady13 chapter 27 . 1/26
Charlie is full of shit his reputaion what a load of crap. Of coruse Bella dont hate him he does not beat her. Have you not put Bella through enough with Rene you have to make Tanya her aunt that is horrible. Good story dont get me wrong.
vampirelady13 chapter 26 . 1/26
Really your doing this shit i am disapointed so Charlie is once again is going to let Bella down.
Guest chapter 14 . 12/30/2019
"Barnes and Nobles" is incorrect. It's Barnes and NOBLE.
Guest chapter 13 . 12/30/2019
"The principle and staff..." It's PRINCIPAL. (Remember, the princiPAL is your PAL.)
Guest chapter 8 . 12/29/2019
"wet my appetite" It's WHET (meaning "sharpened").
Guest chapter 6 . 12/29/2019
This story is wonderful!

Here are a couple of notes, just because you're such a talented writer with so much potential.

"It was to fucking cute" is incorrect. It's TOO, which means "very" or "also." "It was too fucking cute."

You wouldn't say "why didn't you live with I?" so don't say "why didn't you live with Renee and I?" Use ME. It's "why didn't you live with Renee and me?"
Rebecca Rowland chapter 33 . 12/21/2019
I love how you do the Emmett POVs - you can really FEEL his personality come through (and they are generally funny). Also, the whole thing with Jasper and his tire iron is a riot!
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