Reviews for Persephone's Folly
HarryPotterFangirl85 chapter 1 . 11/22/2019
MissMJS chapter 1 . 4/5/2017
Well damn, I forgot how good this is! It makes me sad it wasn't created to be more than a one-shot, but nonetheless, it is beautiful.
xxXxx chapter 1 . 12/22/2016
3 love it
babyvfan chapter 1 . 7/11/2016
This was soooooo insanely awesome
64teeth chapter 1 . 6/11/2014
Wow! Very unusual and original both in plot and in writing, but I liked it very much:-)
KrixLight chapter 1 . 5/22/2013
"two skeins of power entwine like the songs of a mated pair of phoenixes" beautiful description. I really enjoyed this style, it was unique - great reference to Greek mythology, very effective.
BlackRoseGirl666 chapter 1 . 3/25/2013
Beautiful. I love how you portray Draco as a rising Dark Lord, a surprisingly original concept. I also adore the contrasts between the paintings and Harry and very much everything else as well. Great job!
sumthin.clever.5 chapter 1 . 2/1/2013
"Harry wonders, as Draco shudders above him and gasps and he falls in love with the shape of his shoulders, what his friends will say when they hear of the one who fights at Draco's side, not caring for his goals but protecting Draco from any harm that he might suffer in the advancement of them." Hot damn. A simple concept, really. But so powerful.

Damn. Damn. Damn. I find myself saying that a lot with you. This ended so fabulously. I loved it.
swred5 chapter 1 . 11/28/2012
Very thought provoking, the power of not only power but destiny at play. Beautifully written. Thank you for sharing with the fandom.
Mortello chapter 1 . 6/30/2011
eep! thats just what I needed before bed! fantastic! 3
Elibeth-hobbit chapter 1 . 2/4/2011
Wow. This is incredibly lyrical. I almost felt like I was reading poetry. You conveyed the feeling of elemental attraction very well, here.
me malum chapter 1 . 1/27/2011
Oh dear god.


Gah! (Ancient history Geek here, just for the record.)

Absolutely just had my night made. The imagery, the paintings, the... everything.

Thank you.
Pigwidgion chapter 1 . 1/9/2011
Wow... I love this story and wish it could've been longer. I also love how you incorporated the mythology of Persephone's descent into the Underworld with Hades. Great job!
Seeking Ion chapter 1 . 12/29/2010
Love, love, love, love! I was a little bit worried about this one because it pisses me off when people romanticize the Hades and Persephone the the point that glitter is popping out of the edges. Yet, you did this with class and didn't try to make the story something it wasn't. Good job!
FireFox Vixen chapter 1 . 12/15/2010
beautiful written
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