Reviews for Paper Trail
nvghyuga chapter 1 . 5/18/2018
Completely loved from the first word to the last one. I would have loved to read a little more about everything, specially Trent teasing or how Gary was managing his freedom at first with Pete, but still, this fic is gold.
MessyBargainer chapter 5 . 2/13/2018
awwwwww this is sweet. thanks for the terrifically happy ending of sorts and typing up loose stringscheers!
MessyBargainer chapter 1 . 2/13/2018
General Winter chapter 5 . 12/2/2017
Very good work on this story :)
DavidB3 chapter 5 . 8/29/2016
The ice cream (mashed potatoes) and Christy had me in tears. Overall though, a pretty funny fic.
MPoutine chapter 5 . 2/21/2015
GOD I want more of this. It was a fun trail, but alas, it must come to an end. This was the funniest shit I've ever read in a long time. You deserve all your praise.
MPoutine chapter 4 . 2/21/2015
OH MY GOD THAT IS MY DREAM CONFESSION. And I don't want someone else to do that. I want to be the one to do it.

Also, would football field sex be uncomfortable?
MPoutine chapter 3 . 2/21/2015
WOW. That is literally the most badass way to come out to your parents. It's like, you black mail their asses, tell them your fucking their best friend's son, than tell them you know about the illicit activities they've done with lamas? BRA-FUCKING-VO Derby, you have earned all of my respect. Well, as long as you don't be a pompous ass again like when you and my older sister briefly were in some kind of complicated relationship, but than she graduated and things went back to normal, if you can even call it that in Bullworth.
MPoutine chapter 2 . 2/21/2015
It's so sad that Petey isn't getting any love from Gary. I'd like to see some anatomically correct snowmen though.
MPoutine chapter 1 . 2/21/2015
Oh you are my favorite Bully author! This had me laughing my ass off!
youfilthyderfocrat chapter 5 . 2/18/2014
-sobs- A classic piece. Ohmalurd.

Wherever you are Delicious Poundcake, I hope you are well, and that you know that you're an amazing Bully writer. Thanks for existing.

-wipes virtual tears-
Megan chapter 1 . 1/23/2014
This fic is just the best xD
GamerMouth chapter 4 . 9/5/2013
haha lol love this petey and gary and trent and Kirby genius make another please
letusdeleteaccounts chapter 5 . 2/10/2013
I am seriously becoming addicted to reading your stories. It's worrying me a little. But your writing is very good, very funny and just wonderful. I love it so much.
Partners-N-Crime chapter 1 . 1/30/2012
:3 I love the way this story is written so much. This is my second time reading through it xD It's really unique, I think. It also never fails to crack me up..XD
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