Reviews for Personal Barbie Doll
Ratchet8 chapter 1 . 6/29/2010
Lolllz! that was sooo cute! I dont exactly like 2x3 as a couple, and to me, it seems like their together instead of just friends.
DaydreamingSlytherin chapter 1 . 12/11/2009
u have an amazing talent w/ writing. do u take requests? can u write one where something bad happens 2 kuki and hoagie (or abby) comforts her? i love how descripted u r :)
TheNocturne chapter 1 . 12/8/2009
Have I reviewed this yet?


No, of course I haven't reviewed this yet. CURSE YOU, COLLEGE CLASSES. ONE DAY I WILL PWN YOU INTO THE DUST. YES.

okay, anyway.

This was SO CUTE eep! I love 2/3 friendship pieces and this one is no exception, it's so cute! Oh silly Kuki, boys are too MANLY to have their hair braided.

But we should do it anyway because it'll be just beautiful, amirite?

You're so talented. I love it.
tater06 chapter 1 . 12/7/2009

Will you take a request? Can you write one where Kuki comforts Hoagie? I've always wanted to write one like that, but I can't. You could though, I'll bet!

Adding to favs...
wherever-you-wander chapter 1 . 12/7/2009
I really must add you to my author alert.

I love how detailed and descriptive you were. This story is so beautiful, and your characterization is perfect.

Amazing job!

Laurie43 chapter 1 . 12/7/2009
hehe wally will be next on her list lol

i love kuki and hoagie friendship and you do it so well

very well done!
blue-eyed-blonde12 chapter 1 . 12/6/2009
...Why aren't you on my author alert?

That was freaking awesome. But now I steal Hoagie from you and your kicking. Mwahaha. Mine. No kicky.

I'll never be able to write a Kuki/Hoagie friendship thing, you guys are all leaving me in the dust.

I'd be really sad. But this is just so excellent. Conflict. Ow.

Sorry, I'm really random when tired. It happens.

goodbye wonderland chapter 1 . 12/6/2009
How do you write so well? Honestly? Can you give me lessons because - darn it, you have officially written me into the dust!

I love, love, love this!

Your descriptions are so fluid and brilliant! It's... I'm not worthy of your greatness.

You have amazing, amazing, amazing super freakin' talent! Keep writing while, I go fave this, put you on alert and fave you.




I'm jealous of you talent, truly.

