Reviews for Latibule
adara-greenleaf chapter 1 . 11/9/2010
This was very intense and very beautiful. Vague, as always, but what I read between the lines spoke volumes. I love your style!
MioneAlterEgo chapter 1 . 1/31/2010
Oh, I like it! Sent a chill down my spine. :-)
Quinndolynn chapter 1 . 12/21/2009
This is quote lovely. I'm a huge fan of the ending image, the crime scene at sunset. Bravo!
Swingflip chapter 1 . 12/10/2009
I love it! Its such a great story! I love the way you wrote it
cymraes chapter 1 . 12/6/2009
I liked this, not easy or comfortable, most real
Denouement Intrusion chapter 1 . 12/3/2009
Oh, hai! I been poorly. Don't ask (please don't). I see Tony/Ziva sucked you in. How delightful. It seems evident you really get them too. This was just exquisite - running over with your beautifully constructed sentences and delicately selected wording. Captured the claustrophobic character of their relationship to perfection - I could feel it crawling up my skin. Works great as songfic too. (and THANKS for helping me finally find out who does this song! I've been trying to figure it out for AGES)

And I see I will have to go back and catch up on a veritable torrent of work from you. Lovely - I will parcel them out like finest sugarplums, reserving them for times of great stress when I really need such recherche' perfection to feed my soul.

I hope your hands are not troubling you too much - or your eyes either. And I hope you have a wonderful, comfy, safe and HAPPY holiday season.

And lastly - thanks for appending the definition of the title. New words are a treat to me and I was thinking I'll have to go look that one up; Yay! Interestingly, the story had me thinking very much along the same line so the definition seemed entirely fitting. I've always loved the added little kick your carefully thought out titles give your stories, like a final little candied morello cherry on top of the whole delicious confection.

Keep up the good work, luv! D'Intrusion
time.forgets chapter 1 . 12/2/2009
Wow as usual. I'm not sure if this one was easier to understand or if I'm understanding your style better...either way this was pretty amazing and I loved all the little sections. First or second part was my favourite ) Well done of course, Jules.
leah-z chapter 1 . 12/2/2009
wow, this, along with "between the filaments", is my favorite amongst your stories. i've added them to my list of recs (:

and i absolutely cannot wait till the episode with tony's father! i've said this a million times in a million different places, but really!

gonna keep watching for more of your fics!
FinnFiona chapter 1 . 12/2/2009
This is quite lovely... And I think the ambiguity and metaphorical imagery seems to suit them very well. Just enough... Well done!
JTF2 chapter 1 . 12/2/2009
wow... that was intence, and good! loved it! :):)