Reviews for Study
seaweed chapter 1 . 10/4/2010
That was beautiful. You've portrayed the inner thoughtrs and turmoil of everyone very accurately and with exactly the jumbled way thoughts happen, making everything seem so real. The pain, hope, hate and love each character feels shows very acurately and well throughout the whole fic. Angst filled with a slice of hope right at the very end. Truly, I've lost all coherent speech trying to review this. It was just amazing Thank you for sharing.
akasha-d chapter 1 . 8/2/2010
Intense and abstract. You really tapped into the voice of the mind in the way you jump from mental image to the next with only a thin seam of logic to link it. Beautiful and fractured at the same time.

Gojyo was perfect.

awesome story!
drana0 chapter 1 . 12/23/2009
Beautiful story! There's so much insight in there. The scenery you put him in was perfect. Your writing style is very great.

Keep on writing!
professorkatze chapter 1 . 2/13/2008
oh wow. that was so beautiful. I almost cried. And you captured the hidden fellings of each of the characters perfectly. I totally totally loved it. oh shit, i think i actually am crying.
amai-kaminari chapter 1 . 10/11/2006
Nice! Bittersweet and beautiful!

Hm... liked the image of Hakkai as the princess. _
Blahsblah2001 chapter 1 . 5/1/2006
Thought, thoughts adn thinking. Is anything ever really this simple?

Metaphors and facts and similes, and none quite perfect, but what ever is?


kanzeyori chapter 1 . 10/1/2004
::breathes out::


that was beautiful.

::mad applause::
Sparrow319 chapter 1 . 5/23/2004
Very interesting. You're writing style is very unique and very poetic. A little confusing at times, getting muddled with so much philosophy, but still a really good story. Keep up the good work. Smiles!
ryoko chapter 1 . 2/7/2004
oh. my. god. i luv this fic so much. it really reminds me of the song "echo" by "trapt". which just macks me luv it even more. . *huggles fic in all it's dark-cool-ish-ness*
Aoi Me chapter 1 . 2/6/2004
Amazing. Normally, I'd say more words. There aren't any. Wow.
Val Mora chapter 1 . 12/9/2003
... there is absolutely nothing to say to this, besides all the usual mouthings about 'I loved this' and 'you're a writing goddess'. And things like that. So I won't, because people have already said it all, but understand that I'm not-saying it.
And that I mean it, too. Because this is beautiful in that rip-your-heart-out sort of eloquence with the grace like running water; all gorgeous words that don't seem worth anything on top and to the uninitiated but are everything beneath that. You just have to look and understand.
amanda chapter 1 . 12/5/2003
this was so good! your such a good gojyo/hakkia writer! don't stop writing saiyuki fics!
UltraM2000 chapter 1 . 11/6/2003
How shall I put this simply? The fic picked me up, shook me back and forth, wrung me out, hung me out to dry and put me back down.

I love your descriptive language, and the fast-paced, clipped monologues also caught my eye. Being a chibi-Gojyo fan, your rendering of those final moments when his stepma tried to kill him really got me.

Home. Yes, home. I feel relieved that there are still fics that can drill into my brain and leave it pleasantly worked out. I hafta fave this!
rocky-road7 chapter 1 . 3/15/2003
*sniff* the fic is so beautiful! *sniff* I can't help it. It makes me crave for more *drool* , excellent fic!
gentleyaoilover chapter 1 . 12/23/2002
Ah, this is a nice piece of fanfiction and is most enjoyable. The stream of consciousness stuff was confusing at first, but then it was amazing once I caught on to the way it should be read. Wow. I wish this writer still wrote (Gojyo Hakkai) fics. They'd be awesome!
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