Reviews for Chasing Criminals
inu-vampire30 chapter 1 . 12/26/2009
Yo! . i am super happy that i read your fic and of course Zero won't ecome level E. i'm glad someone believes that like i do. oh by the way love the fic. i was just randomly looking for Zero and Yuuki fics and i just so happened to stummble onto yours. - i am glad i did too because that would mean that i skipped a totally awsome fanfic! anyways hope too see that you have more Zeki fics i can R&R:D
YuukiLovesZero chapter 1 . 11/29/2009
That was SO suspenseful. I loved it so much! So much conflict and all that.. I'm surprised you ended it that way, but whatever, job well done!

Yuuki x Zero forever 3